The tables below show the standard fields available to set on each OpenCRM module which can be created/edited by the API.
Only the fields you wish to set/update should be supplied. If you supply a field without a value, it will be updated to a blank value in OpenCRM.
There are some fields which should always be set and these are shown with an asterisk and bold in the list.
Please note that the name used in the query string parameter differs from that used when retrieving/updating field details. Both names are provided in the tables below.
The tables only list the standard module fields, if you have added custom fields and need the names for these, see the section on custom fields.
This page is evolving so if the module you need is not here yet, please contact our support desk.

CRM Field Label | API Field Name | API Query String Name | Data Type |
Action Plan | actionplan_id | actionplan_id | Integer - ID of action plan to trigger |
Annual Revenue | annualrevenue | annualrevenue | String |
* Assigned to | smownerid | assigned_user_id | See Assigned to |
Assistant Email | assistant_email | assistant_email | String |
City | city | city | String |
Company | company | company | String |
Consent Given to | consent_given_to | consent_given_to | String |
Cost Centre | cost_centre | cost_centre | String |
Country | country | country | String |
County | state | state | String |
Data Collected | data_collected | data_collected | String |
Data Processing Consent Given | data_processing_consent_given | data_processing_consent_given | "0" or "1" |
Date Consent Given | date_consent_given | date_consent_given | Date (yyyy-mm-dd) |
Date Of Birth | dob | dob | Date (yyyy-mm-dd) |
Description | description | description | String |
Do Not Email | do_not_email | do_not_email | "0" or "1" |
Do Not Fax | fps | fps | "0" or "1" |
Do Not Live Chat | donotlivechat | donotlivechat | "0" or "1" |
Do Not Phone | tps | tps | "0" or "1" |
Email | email | email | String |
Email Address Bounced | email_bounced | email_bounced | String |
Email Bounce History | email_bounce_history | email_bounce_history | String |
Email Plan | emailplan | emailplan | Integer - ID of email plan to trigger |
Fax | fax | fax | String |
First Action | firstaction | firstaction | String |
First Email | firstreply | firstreply | String |
First Name | firstname | firstname | String |
GDPR Consent to Processing | consent_to_processing | consent_to_processing | "0" or "1" |
Greeting | greeting | greeting | String |
Home Phone | homephone | homephone | String |
Include In Sync | includeinsync | includeinsync | "0" or "1" |
Industry | industry | industry | String |
Job Title | designation | designation | String |
* Last Name | lastname | lastname | String |
Lead Source | leadsource | leadsource | String |
Lead Status | leadstatus | leadstatus | String |
Lead Type | leadtype | leadtype | String |
Live Chat Profile | livechatprofile | livechatprofile | String (URL) |
Mobile | mobile | mobile | String |
No Of Employees | noofemployees | noofemployees | String |
Password | password | portal_password | String |
Phone | phone | phone | String |
Portal Access Locked | portal_islocked | portal_islocked | "0" or "1" |
Portal Components (default is all) | allowed_components | allowed_components | String |
Portal User | portal | portal | String |
Postal Code | code | code | String |
Preferred Contact Method | prefcontactmethod | prefcontactmethod | String |
Rating | rating | rating | String |
Reassigned Date | reassigned_date | reassigned_date | String |
Remove from Vicidial | vicidial_remove | vicidial_remove | String |
Right to be forgotten | righttobeforgotten | righttobeforgotten | "0" or "1" |
Right to be forgotten date | righttobeforgotten_date | righttobeforgotten_date | Date (yyyy-mm-dd) |
Right to be forgotten user | righttobeforgotten_user | righttobeforgotten_user | String (Username) |
Security | permission | permission | Integer (0 to 13) - See Security |
Street | lane | lane | String |
Street 2 | lane2 | lane2 | String |
Subscriptions | subscription | subscription | String |
Tags | leaddetails_tags | leaddetails_tags | String |
Username | login | portal_login | String |
Website | website | website | String (URL) |
Instagram | instagram | socialnetworking_instagram | String |
Facebook | leaddetails_facebook | socialnetworking_facebook | String |
Google Plus | leaddetails_googleplus | socialnetworking_googleplus | String |
Linked In | leaddetails_linkedin | socialnetworking_linkedin | String |
Pinterest | leaddetails_pinterest | socialnetworking_pinterest | String |
Twitter | leaddetails_twitter | socialnetworking_twitter | String |
YouTube | leaddetails_youtube | socialnetworking_youtube | String |
CRM Field Label | API Field Name | API Query String Name | Data Type |
Action Plan | actionplan_id | actionplan_id | Integer - ID of action plan to trigger |
Address Inherit | addressinherit | addressinherit | "0" or "1" |
* Assigned To | smownerid | assigned_user_id | See Assigned to |
Assistant | assistant | assistant | String |
Assistant Email | assistant_email | assistant_email | String |
Assistant Phone | assistantphone | assistantphone | String |
Birthdate | birthday | birthday | Date (yyyy-mm-dd) |
Can eSign | canesign | canesign | "0" or "1" |
Company Name | accountid | contactdetails.accountid | Integer (ID of company record) |
Company Type | company_type | company_type | String |
Consent Given to | consent_given_to | consent_given_to | String |
Contact Type | contacttype | contacttype | String |
Data Collected | data_collected | data_collected | String |
Data Processing Consent Given | data_processing_consent_given | data_processing_consent_given | Date (yyyy-mm-dd) |
Date Consent Given | date_consent_given | date_consent_given | Date (yyyy-mm-dd) |
Department | department | department | String |
Description | description | description | String |
Do Not Email | do_not_email | do_not_email | "0" or "1" |
Do Not Fax | fps | fps | "0" or "1" |
Do Not Live Chat | donotlivechat | donotlivechat | "0" or "1" |
Do Not Phone | tps | tps | "0" or "1" |
Email (Business) | email | email | String |
Email (Private) | email2 | email2 | String |
Email Plan | emailplan | emailplan | Integer - ID of action plan to trigger |
Fax | fax | fax | String |
First Name | firstname | firstname | String |
Folder | folder | contact_folder | String |
GDPR Consent to Processing | consent_to_processing | consent_to_processing | "0" or "1" |
Greeting | greeting | greeting | String |
Home Phone | homephone | homephone | String |
Job Title | title | title | String |
* Last Name | lastname | lastname | String |
Lead Source | leadsource | leadsource | String |
Live Chat Profile | livechatprofile | livechatprofile | String |
Mailing City | mailingcity | mailingcity | String |
Mailing Country | mailingcountry | mailingcountry | String |
Mailing County | mailingstate | mailingstate | String |
Mailing Postcode | mailingzip | mailingzip | String |
Mailing Street | mailingstreet | mailingstreet | String |
Mailing Street 2 | mailingstreet2 | mailingstreet2 | String |
Mobile | mobile | mobile | String |
Office Phone | phone | phone | String |
Other City | othercity | othercity | String |
Other Country | othercountry | othercountry | String |
Other County | otherstate | otherstate | String |
Other Phone | otherphone | otherphone | String |
Other Postcode | otherzip | otherzip | String |
Other Street | otherstreet | otherstreet | String |
Other Street 2 | otherstreet2 | otherstreet2 | String |
Password | password | portal_password | String |
Portal Access Locked | portal_islocked | portal_islocked | "0" or "1" |
Portal Components (default is all) | allowed_components | allowed_components | String |
Portal User | portal | portal | String |
Preferred Contact Method | prefcontactmethod | prefcontactmethod | String |
Reassigned Date | reassigned_date | reassigned_date | Date (yyyy-mm-dd) |
Remove from Vicidial | vicidial_remove | vicidial_remove | String |
Reports To | reportsto | contact_id | Integer - ID of contact record |
Right to be forgotten | righttobeforgotten | righttobeforgotten | "0" or "1" |
Right to be forgotten date | righttobeforgotten_date | righttobeforgotten_date | Date (yyyy-mm-dd) |
Right to be forgotten user | righttobeforgotten_user | righttobeforgotten_user | Date (yyyy-mm-dd) |
Sage Reference | sage_ref | sage_ref | String |
Security | permission | permission | Integer (0 to 13) - See Security |
Subscriptions | subscription | subscription | String (Comma separated list) |
Support End Date | support_end_date | support_end_date | Date (yyyy-mm-dd) |
Support Start Date | support_start_date | support_start_date | Date (yyyy-mm-dd) |
Sync To Outlook | includeinsync | includeinsync | String |
Tags | contactdetails_tags | contactdetails_tags | String (Comma separated list) |
Username | login | portal_login | String |
Facebook | contactdetails_facebook | socialnetworking_facebook | String |
Google Plus | contactdetails_googleplus | socialnetworking_googleplus | String |
Linked In | contactdetails_linkedin | socialnetworking_linkedin | String |
Pinterest | contactdetails_pinterest | socialnetworking_pinterest | String |
Twitter | contactdetails_twitter | socialnetworking_twitter | String |
YouTube | contactdetails_youtube | socialnetworking_youtube | String |
Instagram | instagram | socialnetworking_instagram | String |
CRM Field Label | API Field Name | API Query String Name | Data Type |
Account Type (Credit Control) | paymenttype | paymenttype | String |
Action Plan | actionplan_id | actionplan_id | Integer - ID of action plan to trigger |
Address Inherit | address_inherit | address_inherit | "0" or "1" |
Annual Revenue | annualrevenue | annual_revenue | String |
* Assigned To | smownerid | assigned_user_id | See Assigned to |
Balance Days | credit_limit_days | credit_limit_days | Integer |
Billing Address | street | bill_street | String |
Billing Address 2 | bill_street_2 | bill_street_2 | String |
Billing City | city | bill_city | String |
Billing Country | country | bill_country | String |
Billing County | state | bill_state | String |
Billing Email | billemail | billemail | String |
Billing Postcode | code | bill_code | String |
* Company Name | accountname | accountname | String |
Company Number | companynumber | companynumber | String |
Consent Given to | consent_given_to | consent_given_to | String |
Credit Check By | creditcheckby | creditcheckby | String (Username) |
Credit Check On | creditcheckon | creditcheckon | Date (yyyy-mm-dd) |
Credit Fund | stockfund | stockfund | "0" or "1" |
Credit Limit | credit_limit | credit_limit | Decimal |
Credit Status | credit_status | credit_status | String |
Current Spend | currentspend | currentspend | Decimal |
Data Collected | data_collected | data_collected | String |
Data Processing Consent Given | data_processing_consent_given | data_processing_consent_given | "0" or "1" |
Date Consent Given | date_consent_given | date_consent_given | Date (yyyy-mm-dd) |
Default Currency | def_currency | def_currency | See Currency |
Description | description | description | String |
Do Not Email | do_not_email | do_not_email | "0" or "1" |
Do Not Fax | fps | fps | "0" or "1" |
Do Not Phone | tps | tps | "0" or "1" |
Due Balance | due_balance | due_balance | Decimal |
Email | email1 | email1 | String |
Email Plan | emailplan | emailplan | Integer - ID of email plan to trigger |
Employees | employees | employees | String |
Fax | fax | fax | String |
GDPR Consent to Processing | consent_to_processing | consent_to_processing | "0" or "1" |
Include in Sync | includeinsync | includeinsync | "0" or "1" |
Industry | industry | industry | String |
Language | language | language | String |
Legal Format | ownership | ownership | String |
Major Account | majoraccount | majoraccount | "0" or "1" |
Member Of | parentid | account_id | Integer - CRMID of parent company |
Opportunity YTD | year_to_date | year_to_date | Decimal |
Other Email | email2 | email2 | String |
Other Phone | otherphone | otherphone | String |
Outstanding amount 0-30 days | osamount_0to30days | osamount_0to30days | String |
Outstanding amount 120+ days | osamount_120plusdays | osamount_120plusdays | String |
Outstanding amount 30-60 days | osamount_30to60days | osamount_30to60days | String |
Outstanding amount 60-90 days | osamount_60to90days | osamount_60to90days | String |
Outstanding amount 90-120 days | osamount_90to120days | osamount_90to120days | String |
Overdue Balance | overdue_balance | overdue_balance | String |
Phone | phone | phone | String |
Phone No to Send | vicidial_account_phonenum | vicidial_account_phonenum | String |
Portal Terms Accepted | portaltermsaccept | portaltermsaccept | String |
Pricebook | pricebook | pricebook | Integer - ID of default pricebook for this company |
Proprietor/Senior Partner | proprietor | proprietor | String |
Rating | rating | rating | String |
Registered Address | street | reg_street | String |
Registered City | city | reg_city | String |
Registered Country | country | reg_country | String |
Registered County | state | reg_state | String |
Registered Postcode | code | reg_code | String |
Registered Street 2 | reg_street_2 | reg_street_2 | String |
Right to be forgotten | righttobeforgotten | righttobeforgotten | "0" or "1" |
Right to be forgotten date | righttobeforgotten_date | righttobeforgotten_date | Date (yyyy-mm-dd) |
Right to be forgotten user | righttobeforgotten_user | righttobeforgotten_user | String (username) |
Sage Reference | sage_ref | sage_ref | String |
Security | permission | permission | Integer (0 to 13) - See Security |
Shipping Address | street | ship_street | String |
Shipping Address 2 | ship_street_2 | ship_street_2 | String |
Shipping City | city | ship_city | String |
Shipping Country | country | ship_country | String |
Shipping County | state | ship_state | String |
Shipping Email | shipemail | shipemail | String |
Shipping Postcode | code | ship_code | String |
Subscriptions | subscription | subscription | String (Comma separated list) |
Tags | account_tags | account_tags | String (Comma separated list) |
Total Balance | outstanding_balance | outstanding_balance | Decimal |
Type | account_type | accounttype | String |
VAT Exempt | vatexempt | vatexempt | "0" or "1" |
VAT Number | vatnumber | vatnumber | String |
Website | website | website | String |
Facebook | account_facebook | socialnetworking_facebook | String |
Google Plus | account_googleplus | socialnetworking_googleplus | String |
Linked In | account_linkedin | socialnetworking_linkedin | String |
Pinterest | account_pinterest | socialnetworking_pinterest | String |
Twitter | account_twitter | socialnetworking_twitter | String |
YouTube | account_youtube | socialnetworking_youtube | String |
Instagram | instagram | socialnetworking_instagram | String |
CRM Field Label | API Field Name | API Query String Name | Data Type |
Action Plan | actionplan_id | actionplan_id | Integer - ID of action plan to trigger |
Active | active | active | "0" or "1" |
Assigned To | smownerid | assigned_user_id | See Assigned to |
Budget | budget | budget | Decimal |
Chargeable Time | time_taken_m | time_taken_m | Integer - number of minutes |
Company Name | accountid | account_id | Integer - CRM ID of linked Company |
Contact Name | contactid | contact_id | Integer - CRM ID of linked Contact |
Costs (Exc VAT) | cost_net | cost_net | Decimal |
Costs (Inc VAT) | cost_gross | cost_gross | Decimal |
Description | description | description | String |
Email | email | email | String |
Email Plan | emailplan | emailplan | Integer - ID of email plan to trigger |
End Date | enddate | enddate | Date (yyyy-mm-dd) |
Name | name | name | String |
Non Chargeable Time | nc_time_m | nc_time_m | Integer - number of minutes |
Priority | projpriority | projpriority | String |
Private | private | private | "0" or "1" |
Project Number | projectnum | projectnum | String |
Project Time | time_m | time_m | String |
Project Type | projecttype | projecttype | String |
Reassigned Date | reassigned_date | reassigned_date | Date (yyyy-mm-dd) |
Related To | parent_id | parent_id | Integer - CRM ID of related record |
Sales Order | salesorder_id | salesorder_id | Integer - CRM ID of linked Sales Order |
Scheduled Time | sched_time_m | sched_time_m | Integer - number of minutes |
Security | permission | permission | Integer (0 to 13) - See Security |
Show Documents On Portal | showdocsonportal | showdocsonportal | "0" or "1" |
Show On Portal | showonportal | showonportal | "0" or "1" |
Start Date | startdate | startdate | Date (yyyy-mm-dd) |
Status | projectstatus | projectstatus | String |
Tags | projects_tags | projects_tags | String, comma separated |
Target End Date | targetend | targetend | Date (yyyy-mm-dd) |
VAT Rate % | vat_rate | vat_rate | String |
CRM Field Label | API Field Name | API Query String Name | Data Type |
3rd Party | extra_parent_id | extra_parent_id | Integer - CRMID of additional parent record |
Action Plan | actionplan_id | actionplan_id | Integer - ID of Action plan to run |
Additional Recipients | email_to | email_to | String - comma separated list of email addresses |
Asset | single_asset_id | single_asset_id | Integer - CRMID of Asset to link |
Assigned To | smownerid | assigned_user_id | See Assigned to |
Category | category | ticketcategories | String |
Close Date | closedon | closedon | Date ("yyyy-mm-dd") |
Closed By | closedby | closedby | String (username) |
Contact Name | contactid | contact_id | Integer - CRMID of Contact to link |
Contract | contractid | contractid | Integer - CRMID of Contract to link |
Costs (Exc VAT) | cost_net | cost_net | Decimal |
Costs (Inc VAT) | cost_gross | cost_gross | Decimal |
Description | description | description | String |
Email Plan | emailplan | emailplan | Integer - ID of Email plan to run |
Opened By | openedby | openedby | String |
Priority | priority | ticketpriorities | String |
Product Name | product_id | product_id | Integer - CRMID of Product to link |
Project | projectid | projectid | Integer - CRMID of Project to link |
Queue | support_queue | support_queue | String |
Reassigned Date | reassigned_date | reassigned_date | Date ("yyyy-mm-dd") |
Related To | parent_id | parent_id | Integer - CRMID of parent record (Contact or Company) to link |
Security | permission | permission | Integer (0 to 13) - See Security |
Sent to Support Email | sent_to_support_email | sent_to_support_email | String |
Severity | severity | ticketseverities | String |
Show On Portal | showonportal | showonportal | "0" ir "1" |
Solution | solution | solution | String |
Status | status | ticketstatus | String |
Tags | troubletickets_tags | troubletickets_tags | String (comma separated list) |
Technical Solution | tech_solution | tech_solution | String |
Title | title | ticket_title | String |
CRM Field Label | API Field Name | API Query String Name | Data Type |
Batch Number | batch_number | batch_number | String |
Bin | location_bin | location_bin | String |
Bundle Product | bundle_product | bundle_product | String |
Buy Price | buy_price | buy_price | Decimal |
Commission Band | commission_band | commission_band | String |
Commission Rate (%) | commissionrate | commissionrate | Integer |
Contract Term (months) | contract_term | contract_term | Integer |
Date In | datein | datein | Date (yyyy-mm-dd) |
Default Currency | def_currency | def_currency | See Currency |
Description | product_description | product_description | String |
Despatch Date | despatchdate | despatchdate | Date (yyyy-mm-dd) |
End User | customerid | customerid | Integer - CRM ID of linked Contact |
Handler | smownerid | assigned_user_id | See Assigned to |
Installer | installerid | installerid | Integer - CRM ID of linked Company |
Manufacturer | manufacturer | manufacturer | String |
Mini Description | mini_description | mini_description | String |
Model Revision | model_revision | model_revision | String |
Nominal Account | glacct | glacct | String |
Parent Product | parentprodid | product_id | Integer - CRM ID of parent Product |
Price Check Date | price_check_date | price_check_date | Date (yyyy-mm-dd) |
Product Active | discontinued | discontinued | "0' or "1" |
Product Category | productcategory | productcategory | String |
Product Code | productcode | productcode | String |
Product Name | productname | productname | String |
Product Sheet | productsheet | productsheet | String |
Product Status | product_status | product_status | String |
Purchase Nominal Code | purch_nom_code | purch_nom_code | String |
Purchase Nominal Description | purch_nom_desc | purch_nom_desc | String |
Qty. in Demand | qtyindemand | qtyindemand | Integer |
Qty. in Stock | qtyinstock | qtyinstock | Integer |
Qty/Unit | qty_per_unit | qty_per_unit | Integer |
Reassigned Date | reassigned_date | reassigned_date | Date (yyyy-mm-dd) |
Reorder Level | reorderlevel | reorderlevel | String |
Sales End Date | sales_end_date | sales_end_date | Date (yyyy-mm-dd) |
Sales Nominal Code | nominal_code | nominal_code | String |
Sales Start Date | sales_start_date | sales_start_date | Date (yyyy-mm-dd) |
Security | permission | permission | Integer (0 to 13) - See Security |
Sell Price | unit_price | unit_price | Decimal |
Serial No | serialno | serial_no | String |
Shelf | location_shelf | location_shelf | String |
Size | size | size | String |
Sub Product Type | subproducttype | subproducttype | String |
Supplier Name | vendor_id | vendor_id | Integer - CRM ID of Supplier Company |
Supplier Part No | vendor_part_no | vendor_part_no | String |
Supply Type | prod_supplytype | prod_supplytype | String |
Support Expiry Date | expiry_date | expiry_date | Date (yyyy-mm-dd) |
Support Start Date | start_date | start_date | Date (yyyy-mm-dd) |
Tags | products_tags | products_tags | String - comma separated list |
Tax Class | taxclass | taxclass | String - use standard OpenCRM tax class values only. |
Usage Unit | usageunit | usageunit | Integer |
Warehouse | location_warehouse | location_warehouse | String |
Website | website | website | String |
Weight (Kg) | weight_stock | weight_stock | Integer |
CRM Field Label | API Field Name | API Query String Name | Data Type |
Asset Name | asset_name | asset_name | String |
Asset Type | asset_type | asset_type | String |
Assigned To | smownerid | assigned_user_id | See Assigned to |
Company | accountid | account_id | Integer - CRM ID of Linked Company |
Description | description | description | String |
IP Address | ip_address | ip_address | String |
Location | asset_location | asset_location | String |
MAC Address | mac_address | mac_address | String |
Manufacturer | asset_manufacturer | asset_manufacturer | String |
Model | model | model | String |
Nearest Phone | nearest_phone | nearest_phone | String |
Network Name | network_name | network_name | String |
Onsite Check | onsite_check | onsite_check | String |
Parent Product | product_id | product_id | Integer - CRM ID of Parent Product |
Serial Number | serial_number | serial_number | String |
Status | asset_status | asset_status | String |
Stock Item | single_stock_id | single_stock_id | Integer - CRM ID of Linked Stock ID |
Version | version | version | String |
Warranty Expires | warranty_expires | warranty_expires | Date (yyyy-mm-dd) |
Warranty Type | warranty_type | warranty_type | String |
CRM Field Label | API Field Name | API Query String Name | Data Type |
Action Plan | actionplan_id | actionplan_id | Integer - ID of action plan to trigger |
Assigned To | smownerid | assigned_user_id | See Assigned to |
Chargeable Time | time_taken_m | time_taken_m | Integer (time in minutes) |
Company | accountid | accountid | Integer - CRMID of linked company |
Completed Time | comp_time_m | comp_time_m | Integer (time in minutes) |
Contact Name | contactid | contact_id | Integer - CRMID of linked contact |
Contract Number | contractnum | contractnum | String |
Contract Time | time_m | time_m | Integer (time in minutes) |
Contract Type | contracttype | contracttype | String |
Description | description | description | String |
Email Plan | emailplan | emailplan | Integer - ID of action plan to trigger |
End Date | enddate | enddate | Date (yyyy-mm-dd) |
Name | name | name | String |
Non Chargeable Time | nc_time_m | nc_time_m | Integer (time in minutes) |
Overrun Time | over_time_m | over_time_m | Integer (time in minutes) |
Reassigned Date | reassigned_date | reassigned_date | Date (yyyy-mm-dd) |
Related To | parent_id | parent_id | Integer - CRMID of linked record |
SLA Response time (hrs) | sla_responsehrs | sla_responsehrs | Integer (time in hours) |
Sales Order | salesorder_id | salesorder_id | Integer - CRMID of linked sales order |
Scheduled Time | sched_time_m | sched_time_m | Integer (time in minutes) |
Security | permission | permission | Integer (0 to 13) - See Security |
Show On Portal | showonportal | showonportal | "0" or "1" |
Start Date | startdate | startdate | Date (yyyy-mm-dd) |
Status | contractstatus | contractstatus | String |
Tags | contracts_tags | contracts_tags | String (Comma separated list) |
Time Left | time_left_m | time_left_m | Integer (time in minutes) |
CRM Field Label | API Field Name | Query String Field Name | Data Type |
Action Plan | actionplan_id | actionplan_id | Integer - ID of action plan to trigger |
Active Period | activedays | activedays | Integer - Number of days |
Amount | amount | amount | Decimal |
Assigned To | smownerid | assigned_user_id | See Assigned to |
Campaign | campaignid | campaignid | Integer - CRMID of Campaign to link |
Commission Approved | commission_approved | commission_approved | "0" or "1" |
Commission Approved Date | commission_approved_date | commission_approved_date | Date (yyyy-mm-dd) |
Company Name | accountid | account_id | Integer - CRMID of Company to link |
Contact | contactid | contact_id | Integer - CRMID of Contact to link |
Cost Centre | cost_centre | cost_centre | String |
Currency | def_currency | def_currency | See Currency |
Description | description | description | String (long text) |
Email | email | email | String |
Email Plan | emailplan | emailplan | Integer - ID of email plan to trigger |
Event | single_event_id | single_event_id | Integer - CRMID of Event to link |
Expected Close Date | closingdate | closingdate | Date (yyyy-mm-dd) |
Gain or Loss | gain_loss | gain_loss | Decimal |
Lead Source | leadsource | leadsource | String |
Next Step | nextstep | nextstep | String |
Opportunity Name | potentialname | potentialname | String |
Previous Amount | previous_amount | previous_amount | Decimal |
Probability (%) | probability | probability | Integer |
Project Name | projectid | projectid | Integer - CRMID of Project to link |
Reassigned Date | reassigned_date | reassigned_date | Date (yyyy-mm-dd) |
Related To | parent_id | parent_id | Integer - CRMID of related record to link |
Sales Commission | salescommission | salescommission | Decimal |
Sales Stage | sales_stage | sales_stage | String |
Security | permission | permission | Integer (0 to 13) - See Security |
Start Date | start_date | start_date | Date (yyyy-mm-dd) |
Tags | potential_tags | potential_tags | String - comma separated list |
Type | potentialtype | opportunity_type | String |
Vat Rate % | vat_rate | vat_rate | Integer |
Weighted Amount | weightedamount | weightedamount | Decimal |
CRM Field Label | API Field Name | Query String Field Name | Data Type |
Asset | single_asset_id | single_asset_id | Integer - CRM ID of Asset to link |
Assigned To | smownerid | assigned_user_id | See Assigned to |
Category | category | category | String |
Charge Time | chargetime | chargetime | String |
Company Name | accountid | accountid | Integer - CRM ID of Company to link |
Contact Name | contact_id | cntactivityrel.contactid | Integer - CRM ID of Contact to link |
Conversation URL | livechat_convo_url | livechat_convo_url | String |
Costs (Exc VAT) | cost_net | cost_net | Decimal |
Costs (Inc VAT) | cost_gross | cost_gross | Decimal |
Description | description | description | String |
Due Date | due_date | due_date | Date (yyyy-mm-dd) |
Duration | duration_hours | duration_hours | Integer - number of hours |
FAQ Rating | cf_faqrating | cf_faqrating | Integer |
Priority | priority | taskpriority | String |
Related To | crmid | parent_id | Integer - CRM ID of related record to link |
Security | permission | permission | Integer (0 to 13) - See Security |
Send Notification To Action Owner | sendnotification | sendnotification | "0" or "1" |
Send Notification To Linked Contact | sendnotificationcont | sendnotificationcont | "0" or "1" |
Send Reminder To Action Owner | reminder_time | reminder_time | "0" or "1" |
Send Reminder To Linked Contact | reminder_time_cont | reminder_time_cont | "0" or "1" |
Show On Portal | showonportal | showonportal | "0" or "1" |
Start Date & Time | date_start | date_start | Date (yyyy-mm-dd) |
Status | status | taskstatus | String |
Subject | subject | subject | String |
Task List | tasklist | tasklist | String |
VAT Rate % | vat_rate | vat_rate | Integer |
CRM Field Label | API Field Name | API Query String Name | Data Type |
Action Plan | actionplan_id | actionplan_id | Integer - ID of action plan to trigger |
Assigned To | smownerid | assigned_user_id | See Assigned to |
Billing Address | bill_street | bill_street | String |
Billing Address 2 | bill_street_2 | bill_street_2 | String |
Billing City | bill_city | bill_city | String |
Billing Code | bill_code | bill_code | String |
Billing Country | bill_country | bill_country | String |
Billing County | bill_state | bill_state | String |
Billing Email | billemail | billemail | String |
Campaign | campaignid | campaignid | Integer - CRMID of Campaign to link |
Carrier | carrier | carrier | String |
Commission Approved | commission_approved | commission_approved | "0" ir "1" |
Commission Approved Date | commission_approved_date | commission_approved_date | Date ("yyyy-mm-dd") |
Company Name | accountid | account_id | Integer - ID of action plan to trigger |
Contact Name | contactid | contact_id | Integer - CRMID of Contact to link |
Cost Centre | cost_centre | cost_centre | String |
Default Currency | def_currency | def_currency | See Currency |
Description | description | description | String |
Email Plan | emailplan | emailplan | Integer - ID of Email plan to trigger |
Esign Terms Template | esign_terms_template | esign_terms_template | Integer - ID of Email template |
Inventory Manager | inventorymanager | assigned_user_id1 | See Assigned to |
Language | language | language | String |
Opportunity Name | quotes.potentialid | potential_id | Integer - CRMID of Opportunity to link |
PDF Template | pdf_template | pdf_template | Integer - ID of PDF template |
Pricebook | pricebook | pricebook | Integer - CRMID of Pricebook |
Products Per Page | productsperpage | productsperpage | Integer |
Project Name | projectid | projectid | Integer - CRMID of Project to link |
Purchase Order | purchaseorder | purchaseorder | Integer - CRMID of Purchase Order to link |
Quote Stage | quotestage | quotestage | String |
Quote Type | quotetype | quotetype | String |
Require confirm terms on esign | require_terms_esign | require_terms_esign | "0" or "1" |
Sales Commission | salescommission | salescommission | String |
Security | permission | permission | Integer (0 to 13) - See Security |
Shipping | shipping | shipping | String |
Shipping Address | ship_street | ship_street | String |
Shipping Address 2 | ship_street_2 | ship_street_2 | String |
Shipping City | ship_city | ship_city | String |
Shipping Code | ship_code | ship_code | String |
Shipping Country | ship_country | ship_country | String |
Shipping County | ship_state | ship_state | String |
Shipping Email | shipemail | shipemail | String |
Show On Portal | showonportal | showonportal | "0" or "1" |
Subject | subject | subject | String |
Tags | quotes_tags | quotes_tags | String - comma separated list |
Terms & Conditions | terms_conditions | terms_conditions | String |
Terms Accepted | terms_accepted | terms_accepted | "0" or "1" |
VAT Rate % | vat_rate | vat_rate | Decimal |
Valid Till | validtill | validtill | Date ("yyyy-mm-dd") |
eSign Date | esign_audit_signdate | esign_audit_signdate | Date ("yyyy-mm-dd") |
eSigned By | esign_audit_signby | esign_audit_signby | String |
eSigned From IP | esign_audit_signip | esign_audit_signip | String |
Sales Orders
CRM Field Label | API Field Name | API Query String Name | Data Type |
Terms Accepted | terms_accepted | terms_accepted | "0" or "1" |
Accounts Company | sage_install | sage_install | String |
Action Plan | actionplan_id | actionplan_id | Integer - ID of action plan to trigger |
Assigned To | smownerid | assigned_user_id | See Assigned to |
Billing Address | bill_street | bill_street | String |
Billing Address 2 | bill_street_2 | bill_street_2 | String |
Billing City | bill_city | bill_city | String |
Billing Code | bill_code | bill_code | String |
Billing Country | bill_country | bill_country | String |
Billing County | bill_state | bill_state | String |
Billing Email | billemail | billemail | String |
Campaign | campaignid | campaignid | Integer - CRMID of Campaign to link |
Closed Date | date_complete | date_complete | Date ("yyyy-mm-dd") |
Commission Approved | commission_approved | commission_approved | String |
Commission Approved Date | commission_approved_date | commission_approved_date | Date ("yyyy-mm-dd") |
Company Name | accountid | account_id | Integer - CRMID of Company to link |
Contact Name | contactid | contact_id | Integer - CRMID of Contact to link |
Cost Centre | cost_centre | cost_centre | String |
Default Currency | def_currency | def_currency | See Currency |
Description | description | description | String |
Due Date | duedate | duedate | Date ("yyyy-mm-dd") |
Email Plan | emailplan | emailplan | String |
Esign Terms Template | esign_terms_template | esign_terms_template | Integer - ID of Email Template |
Fulfil By | fulfilby | fulfilby | Date ("yyyy-mm-dd") |
Invoice Template | recurring_invoice_template | recurring_invoice_template | Integer - ID of PDF Template |
Is SO Stock Funded | isstockfunded | isstockfunded | String |
Is a Job | so_job | so_job | "0" or "1" |
Job Accepted Date | so_job_accepted | so_job_accepted | Date ("yyyy-mm-dd") |
Job Completion Date | so_job_completed | so_job_completed | Date ("yyyy-mm-dd") |
Job Date | so_job_time | so_job_time | Date ("yyyy-mm-dd") |
Job Time | time_start | time_start | String |
Language | language | language | String |
Lease Acceptance Date | leaseacceptancedate | leaseacceptancedate | Date ("yyyy-mm-dd") |
Leased By | leasedby | leasedby | String |
Opportunity Name | potentialid | potential_id | Integer - CRMID of Opportunity to link |
Order Weight (Kg) | so_weight | salesorder | String |
PDF Template | pdf_template | pdf_template | Integer - ID of PDF Template |
Partner | partnerid | partnerid | Integer - CRMID of Company to link |
Payment Date | paymentdate | paymentdate | Date ("yyyy-mm-dd") |
Payment Type | paymenttype | sopaymenttype | String |
Price Guide | pricebook | pricebook | Integer - CRMID of Pricebook |
Products Per Page | productsperpage | productsperpage | Integer |
Project Name | projectid | projectid | Integer - CRMID of Project to link |
Purchase Order | purchaseorder | purchaseorder | Integer - CRMID of PO to link |
Quote Name | quoteid | quote_id | Integer - CRMID of Quote to link |
Require confirm terms on esign | require_terms_esign | require_terms_esign | "0" or "1" |
Requires Finance Authorisation | require_finance_auth | require_finance_auth | "0" or "1" |
Sales Commission | salescommission | salescommission | Decimal |
Security | permission | permission | Integer (0 to 13) - See Security |
Sent to Accounts | sendtosage | sendtosage | String |
Sent to Accounts on | senttosageon | senttosageon | Date ("yyyy-mm-dd") |
Shipping Address | ship_street | ship_street | String |
Shipping Address 2 | ship_street_2 | ship_street_2 | String |
Shipping City | ship_city | ship_city | String |
Shipping Code | ship_code | ship_code | String |
Shipping Country | ship_country | ship_country | String |
Shipping County | ship_state | ship_state | String |
Shipping Email | shipemail | shipemail | String |
Show On Portal | showonportal | showonportal | "0" or "1" |
Status | sostatus | sostatus | String |
Subject | subject | subject | String |
Tags | salesorder_tags | salesorder_tags | String - comma separated list |
Terms & Conditions | terms_conditions | terms_conditions | String |
Top Up Company Stock Fund | topupstockfund | topupstockfund | "0" or "1" |
VAT Rate % | vat_rate | vat_rate | Integer |
eSign Date | esign_audit_signdate | esign_audit_signdate | Date ("yyyy-mm-dd") |
eSigned By | esign_audit_signby | esign_audit_signby | String |
eSigned From IP | esign_audit_signip | esign_audit_signip | String |
Purchase Order
CRM Field Label | API Field Name | API Query String Name | Data Type |
Accounts Company | sage_install | sage_install | String |
Action Plan | actionplan_id | actionplan_id | Integer - ID of action plan to trigger |
Amount Outstanding | outstanding | outstanding | Decimal |
Assigned To | smownerid | assigned_user_id | See Assigned to |
Bill To | bill_to | bill_to | String |
Billing Address | bill_street | bill_street | String |
Billing Address 2 | bill_street_2 | bill_street_2 | String |
Billing City | bill_city | bill_city | String |
Billing Code | bill_code | bill_code | String |
Billing Country | bill_country | bill_country | String |
Billing County | bill_state | bill_state | String |
Billing Email | billemail | billemail | String |
Book Stock to Sales Order | bookstocktoso | bookstocktoso | "0" or "1" |
Carrier | carrier | carrier | String |
Company Name | account_id | account_id | Integer - CRMID of Company |
Contact Name | contactid | contact_id | Integer - CRMID of Contact |
Cost Centre | cost_centre | cost_centre | String |
Default Currency | def_currency | def_currency | See Currency |
Description | description | description | String |
Due Date | duedate | duedate | Date ("yyyy-mm-dd") |
Email Plan | emailplan | emailplan | Integer - ID of Email Plan to trigger |
Excise Duty | exciseduty | exciseduty | Decimal |
Language | language | language | String |
Opportunity Name | potentialid | potential_id | Integer - CRMID of Opportunity to link |
Products Per Page | productsperpage | productsperpage | String |
Project Name | projectid | projectid | Integer - CRMID of Project to link |
Sales Commission | salescommission | salescommission | Decimal |
Sales Order | salesorder_id | salesorder_id | String |
Security | permission | permission | Integer (0 to 13) - See Security |
Sent to Sage | sendtosage | sendtosage | "0" or "1" |
Sent to Sage on | senttosageon | senttosageon | Date ("yyyy-mm-dd") |
Ship Direct | shipdirect | shipdirect | "0" or "1" |
Ship To | ship_to | ship_to | String |
Shipping Address | ship_street | ship_street | String |
Shipping Address 2 | ship_street_2 | ship_street_2 | String |
Shipping City | ship_city | ship_city | String |
Shipping Code | ship_code | ship_code | String |
Shipping Country | ship_country | ship_country | String |
Shipping County | ship_state | ship_state | String |
Shipping Email | shipemail | shipemail | String |
Status | postatus | postatus | String |
Subject | subject | subject | String |
Supplier Name | vendorid | vendor_id | Integer - CRMID of Company to link |
Tags | purchaseorder_tags | purchaseorder_tags | String- Comma separated list |
Terms & Conditions | terms_conditions | terms_conditions | String |
Tracking Number | tracking_no | tracking_no | String |
VAT Rate % | vat_rate | vat_rate | Integer |
CRM FIeld Label | API Field Name | API Query String Name | Data Type |
Accounts Company | sage_install | sage_install | String |
Action Plan | actionplan_id | actionplan_id | Integer - ID of action plan to trigger |
Amount Outstanding | outstanding | outstanding | Decimal |
Assigned To | smownerid | assigned_user_id | See Assigned to |
Billing Address | bill_street | bill_street | String |
Billing Address 2 | bill_street_2 | bill_street_2 | String |
Billing City | bill_city | bill_city | String |
Billing Code | bill_code | bill_code | String |
Billing Country | bill_country | bill_country | String |
Billing County | bill_state | bill_state | String |
Billing Email | billemail | billemail | String |
Campaign | campaignid | campaignid | Integer - CRMID of Campaign |
Commission Approved | commission_approved | commission_approved | "0" or "1" |
Commission Approved Date | commission_approved_date | commission_approved_date | Date ("yyyy-mm-dd") |
Company Name | accountid | account_id | Integer - CRMID of Company |
Company VAT Num | cyvatnumber | cyvatnumber | String |
Contact Name | contactid | contact_id | Integer - CRMID of Contact |
Cost Centre | cost_centre | cost_centre | String |
Customer No | customerno | customerno | String |
Default Currency | def_currency | def_currency | See Currency |
Description | description | description | String |
Due Date | duedate | duedate | Date ("yyyy-mm-dd") |
Email Plan | emailplan | emailplan | Integer - ID of Email Plan to trigger |
Excise Duty | exciseduty | exciseduty | Decimal |
Invoice #: | invoicenum | invoicenum | String |
Invoice Date | invoicedate | invoicedate | Date ("yyyy-mm-dd") |
Invoice Type | invoicetype | invoicetype | String |
Is SO Stock Funded | isstockfunded | isstockfunded | "0" or "1" |
Language | language | language | String |
Lease Acceptance Date | leaseacceptancedate | leaseacceptancedate | Date ("yyyy-mm-dd") |
Leased By | leasedby | leasedby | String |
Opportunity Name | potentialid | potential_id | Integer - CRMID of Opportunity to link |
PDF Template | pdf_template | pdf_template | Integer - ID of PDF Template |
Paid Date | paiddate | paiddate | Date ("yyyy-mm-dd") |
Payment Date | paymentdate | paymentdate | Date ("yyyy-mm-dd") |
Payment Day | payment_day | payment_day | String |
Payment Type | paymenttype | sopaymenttype | String |
Pricebook | pricebook | pricebook | Integer - CRMID of Pricebook |
Products Per Page | productsperpage | productsperpage | Integer |
Project Name | projectid | projectid | Integer - CRMID of Project to link |
Purchase Order | purchaseorder | purchaseorder | Integer - CRMID of PO to link |
Quote Name | quoteid | quote_id | Integer - CRMID of Quote to link |
Recurs | recur_interval | recur_interval | "0" or "1" |
Requires Financial Authorisation | require_finance_auth | require_finance_auth | "0" or "1" |
Sales Commission | salescommission | salescommission | Decimal |
Sales Order | salesorderid | salesorder_id | Integer - CRMID of Sales Order |
Security | permission | permission | Integer (0 to 13) - See Security |
Sent to accounts | sendtosage | sendtosage | "0" or "1" |
Sent to accounts on | senttosageon | senttosageon | Date ("yyyy-mm-dd") |
Shipping Address | ship_street | ship_street | String |
Shipping Address 2 | ship_street_2 | ship_street_2 | String |
Shipping City | ship_city | ship_city | String |
Shipping Code | ship_code | ship_code | String |
Shipping Country | ship_country | ship_country | String |
Shipping County | ship_state | ship_state | String |
Shipping Email | shipemail | shipemail | String |
Show On Portal | showonportal | showonportal | "0" or "1" |
Status | invoicestatus | invoicestatus | String |
Subject | subject | subject | String |
Tags | invoice_tags | invoice_tags | String- Comma separated list |
Terms & Conditions | terms_conditions | terms_conditions | String |
VAT Rate % | vat_rate | vat_rate | Integer |
Product Lines
API Field Name | Description |
lineid | REQUIRED. Set to 0 to add a new product line, otherwise set to the lineid to amend (as returned by the record retrieval method) |
productid | REQUIRED: Must be a valid, non-deleted OpenCRM product |
linenumber | Controls ordering of the product lines |
description | If not set, will default to that of the product |
category | The line category (for sub-totalling). Must be a valid category as available in the web application |
quantity | If not set, will default to 1. Must be a numeric value - up to 1 decimal place is supported. |
listprice1 | Sell price in the default currency |
listprice2 | Sell price in secondary currency. If supplementary currency values are not passed in, they will be set to 0 - They will not calculate based on the base currency. |
listprice3 | Sell price in third currency. If supplementary currency values are not passed in, they will be set to 0 - They will not calculate based on the base currency. |
listprice4 | Sell price in fourth currency. If supplementary currency values are not passed in, they will be set to 0 - They will not calculate based on the base currency. |
listprice5 | Sell price in fifth currency. If supplementary currency values are not passed in, they will be set to 0 - They will not calculate based on the base currency. |
buyprice | Buy price in default currency |
buyprice2 | Buy price in secondary currency. If supplementary currency values are not passed in, they will be set to 0 - They will not calculate based on the base currency. |
buyprice3 | Buy price in third currency. If supplementary currency values are not passed in, they will be set to 0 - They will not calculate based on the base currency. |
buyprice4 | Buy price in fourth currency. If supplementary currency values are not passed in, they will be set to 0 - They will not calculate based on the base currency. |
buyprice5 | Buy price in fifth currency. If supplementary currency values are not passed in, they will be set to 0 - They will not calculate based on the base currency. |
taxclass | Tax class to apply to the row. Must be a valid tax class available in the web app. This will determine the tax percentage to apply. If not passed in on new records, will default to product value |
prd_cf_1(..10) | Custom product grid columns 1..10. Note that multi-currency custom product grid fields are not currently supported. |
discount | Must be numeric value or percentage e.g. "10" or "10%" |
supplierid | ID of supplier company,. Must be a valid , non-deleted OpenCRM Company record id. |
supplytype | Product supply type. Must match a valid product supply type. If not passed in on new row, will default to product value |
contract_term | Must be integer value |
commission_band | The commission band to apply. Will determine commission percentage. If not set on new rows, will default to product value. |
minimummargin, maximumdiscount, | Can't be set from API - They will default to the values held on the product record |
taxpercent, taxvalue, margin_percent, markup, commission_percent, commmission_amount, | Can't be set from API - They will be set/calculated by the system based on the other values passed in |
pricebookid, saved_pricing_used, saved_pricing_tier, despatched_quantity, remaining_quantity | Can't be set from the API - They will retain their existing values when editing existing rows. |
Custom Fields
Custom fields can be set using the custom field name as shown in custom field settings. E.g. "cf_123".
Assigned To
The assigned to value should be set to a valid user ID, and NOT the username. You can get the user ID by looking at any user record in OpenCRM - the ID is shown in brackets in the consult mode of the user record.
If you do not assign a user to a record, it may not be visible to users due to team security restrictions.
Value | Description |
0 | Default module permission. |
1 | Public: Read, Create/Edit |
11 | Public: Read Only |
2 | Public: Read, Create/Edit, Delete |
3 | Private |
4 | Private ( + Team: Read Only) |
5 | Private ( + Team: Read, Create/Edit) |
6 | Private ( + Team: Read, Create/Edit/Delete) |
7 | Public: Read (+ Admin Edit/Delete) |
8 | Global: Read Only |
9 | Global: Read, Create/Edit |
10 | Global: Read, Create/Edit/Delete |
12 | Global: Read Only ( + Team: Create/Edit) |
13 | Global: Read Only ( + Team: Create/Edit/Delete) |
The currency is set using the 3 character currency code. Please contact for assistance if you need to set a currency which is not listed.
Please note the currencies in your system may differ - the three most common ones are shown below.
Value | Description |
GBP | British pounds (Sterling) |
EUR | Euros |
USD | US Dollar |

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