Guidelines for getting mail into the Pop2OpenCRM Inbox/Outbox


In order to use Pop2OpenCRM you will need two mailboxes creating by your email provider one to receive a copy of the inbound emails you wish to capture in OpenCRM and one to receive a copy of the outbound emails you would like to capture in OpenCRM. Any emails sent from within OpenCRM are recorded in OpenCRM automatically.

More information on what Pop2OpenCRM does with your emails can be found here: What does Pop2OpenCRM do when it converts emails?

Please pass the below information on to your email server support team.

What do I need to do?

To setup Pop2OpenCRM there is a requirement for you to alter some settings on your mail server or have your technical support/email management company make some changes on your behalf.

The changes that are required are as follows;

  • Create a Mailbox to receive a copy / BCC of your Inbound emails – Use a name that is easily recognisable to help with any mailbox maintenance that you may carry out in the future, examples include ‘inboundocrm@, in_emails_ocrm@, inbound_emails_all@’.
  • Create a Mailbox to receive a copy / BCC of your Outbound emails – As above use a name similar to ‘outboundocrm@, out_emails_ocrm@, outbound_emails_all@’.
  • Copy / BCC Inbound and/or Outbound emails into these specified mailboxes – most mail servers allow for this to be done globally for all of your emails / mailboxes this is useful if you wish to process ALL of your mails with Pop2OpenCRM. If you wish to only process certain mailbox accounts consider adding the BBC rule to these specific mailboxes.
  • Once created send us the following information for each of the mailboxes:
    • Server Name:
    • Email Address:
    • User Name: (if different to email address)
    • Password:
    • Port: 110 / 995 (delete as appropriate)
    • SSL/TLS: on/off (delete as appropriate)

What we then do

Once we have received and verified these details we will configure Pop2OpenCRM to poll the two mailboxes and start processing your emails, linking them to your OpenCRM account. This service is run within the data centre so is managed by Software Add-ons support personnel, should you have any issues with Pop2OpenCRM, just contact support as normal who will be able to help you.

Mail Server Differences

See below for more information on configuring your mailboxes and rules for some of the most common mail servers our customers use.

Microsoft Exchange

If you are using an Exchange server you will need to setup "mail flow rules" also sometimes referred to as "transport rules" in order to get your inbound and outbound messages into the relevant mailboxes. Please refer to the support pages for your Exchange version here: Microsoft Exchange

Microsoft 365 (formerly Office 365)

If you are using Microsoft 365 please see this Knowledgebase Article: How Do I setup Email Integration (Pop2OpenCRM) with my Microsoft 365 Account?


If you use Googlemail / Gmail please see this Knowledgebase Article: Using Gmail with Pop2OpenCRM

Using a third party Mail Proxy
Another option is to use a third party mail proxy which sits in between your internal mail server and the outside world. There are several anti-spam, content filtering and other mail proxy services which can be used to implement the required functionality.

Need More Help?

If you have any questions, just start a Live Chat, "Click" on the Chat Icon in the lower right corner to talk with our support team.