When using Leads in OpenCRM there is a stage during the sales process (the triggers for this will vary), when it is necessary to promote a lead within the system as it moves from this level to a different stage in your sales pipeline. This is the point that the Lead status moves to be a Prospect.

First open the Lead in question and on the detail view click the Convert Lead button.

This will take you to an intermediate screen with several options for you to select from:

By using these options it is possible to set several of the fields which will be used in the new Opportunity as well as what this Opportunity will be linked to. Note the fields highlighted in red which allow you to control which record types you wish to create.

When you Select the SAVE button the Leads is marked as Converted and therefore no longer appears in standard searches. Three entities are created (if you allow the system to create the Opportunity and Company), these are ;

  • Company - this takes the company data that was entered on the Lead and creates a NEW company within the OpenCRM Company module
  • Contact - this takes the details of the person entered on the Lead and creates a new Contact record, this links the Contact and the Company together.
  • Opportunity - data that has been entered that is relevant to the Opportunity will be used to create a new Opportunity, which is linked to the Company and Contacts record created above.

Note :

During this Convert phase you can select to NOT create an Opportunity if you feel this is appropriate, by ticking the Do Not Create Or Link An Opportunity tick box. You can also select to always create a NEW Company by deselecting the Link to an existing company of this name tick box. If you leave this ticked it will search for a Company within the system with a matching name and the Contact and Opportunity will be linked to that existing record.

If you bulk convert a number of Leads, however, your selections on these tickboxes will not be applied.

Which record do I see following the Lead conversion?

When you convert a lead via the 'Convert Lead' button on the detail screen of a Lead (or via the 'Convert' button when selecting multiple Leads on the list view screen), you will now be able to choose (at a default level), what record you wish to be taken to, following that conversion.

This can be done by navigating to Settings > Additional Settings > Lead > Redirect to the following record after a lead is converted, and selecting an option from the dropdown list of choices:


One thing to remember is that this setting will act as a default but will only apply if the additional options within the 'Lead Conversion' screen do not affect this setting e.g. choosing 'Opportunity' but then 'unticking' the checkbox 'Do not create or link Opportunity' within the Lead Conversion screen, cannot redirect to an Opportunity that has NOT been created.  In this instance, you will be redirected to the last related Contact.

Logic is in place to account for instances like this and will redirect to the most appropriate record

Records to Create on Lead Conversion

You can specify the default records you want to create upon Lead conversion via the Additional Settings indicated in the screenshot below, you can choose to not create a contact, company or opportunity by default, each of these settings can be overridden when on the conversion screen.

Controlling Opportunity Name on Lead Conversion

We have added a setting to allow for better control of the Opportunity name when converting from a Lead or when creating from a Contact or Company record. The default is for the Opportunity to inherit the Company Name, but these new settings (one for Leads, one for Company/ Contact) enable you to set a default text, or set the Opportunity Name to be blank, rather than inheriting the Company Name. Contact OpenCRM Support or your Project Manager if you wish to change this.

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