This feature enables you to apply an automatic discount to quotes and sales orders based on the order value. You are able to specify multiple discount bands to offer different discount percentages depending on the order value.
To enable this feature there are a number of settings found in Additional Settings:
Checkboxes to enable the feature on Quotes and Sales Orders:
Total Value Banded Discount: Enable For Quotes
Total Value Banded Discount: Enable For Sales Orders
Total Value Banded Discount: Discount Bands
Here a discount of 5% has been specified if the total value is over 100 and no greater than 999. A discount of 10% is offered for a total value between 1000 and 1999 and so on.
Note that if an order value falls outside all bands then no discount is applied and discounts can be applied to any row on the record manually.
Total Value Banded Discount: Criteria used to exclude product rows from banded discount (field=value), Use AND / OR to add multiple criteria
- This setting is used to determine which rows you want to exclude from applying a discount to if the order value falls within a given band.
Note that if a discount is not applied to a row automatically then the system will allow one to be applied manually.
Total Value Banded Discount: Criteria used to exclude product rows from total value used to calculate banded discount (field=value), Use AND / OR to add multiple criteria
- This setting is used to determine which rows are NOT totalled when determining if the order value falls within a band.
The combination of these settings gives you the flexibility to apply a discount to all or only some rows when a certain order value is reached. You could for example include all rows in the order value calculation but only offer a discount on certain products OR you could only use certain products to calculate if a discount should apply and then discount some or all rows.
The default for the above settings should be "txtProductCategory=Fixed Price" this value will exclude any rows where the product category is Fixed Price. Any field which appears on the product row can be used including custom columns.
1) If you change the value on product that controls its inclusion / exclusion from being excluded to included in the banded discount then a discount will be applied to the row.
2) If you change the value on product that controls its inclusion / exclusion from being included to excluded then the discount will NOT be removed.
3) Product rows that do not have a banded discount applied can have a discount manually applied.
4) Product rows to which a banded discount has been applied CANNOT have their discount changed.
5) If a Quote / Sales Order value falls outside of the banded discounts then a discount can be manually applied to any rows.
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