OpenCRM General

General tips and tricks

Forgotten Password

Your log-in screen for OpenCRM looks like this If you have forgotten your User Name or Password, clicking on the green bar beneath the Login button will take you to this screen: Once you have entered your User Name or Email Address the window will...

Do you integrate with Microsoft 365? Can I sync my Microsoft Contacts, Calendars, and Tasks?

Our Integration with Microsoft 365 keeps your Microsoft and OpenCRM Contacts, Calendar, and Task lists in sync. This FAQ is going to walk you through setting up a sync between your Microsoft account and your OpenCRM User account.  Important! The...

How can I use a Jotform to create appointments in OpenCRM?

There is a form component within Jotform that gives your audience to book an appointment with you. To use this, select the Appointment option on the left side. This will add an Appointment grid to your form: At this point, you should select the Pr...

How does the Stripo Integration work?

Stripo is a simple to use tool that allows you to create beautiful email templates quickly and easily. Once your template is designed, you can copy and paste the HTML code (as in the video) or use our integration (instructions below). Please not...

Do you have a mobile app?

You can access Activities, Leads, Contacts, Companies, Opportunities, and Projects from the App. Our mobile app is free to download and comes with part of your normal subscription. With it, you can control the data within your CRM directly from yo...

I need to bulk update a set of records in OpenCRM, how do I do this?

Please note that using the Update tool will not trigger any workflow. If you wish to do this you should look at doing an  update import . There are many different situations which may require a bulk update of records in OpenCRM. A couple of exam...

Why does my email look different in consult to edit mode?

From time to time you may notice that an email you have created in OpenCRM does not display faithfully when looking at it in consult mode. This is increasingly likely if using an advanced template editor - such as  Stripo , or copying HTML content...

How do notifications work in OpenCRM?

There are various system notifications in OpenCRM and this FAQ walks you through the configuration options available. These will be sent to you via email and our notification centre. Please see the end of the FAQ for notes on sending notifications...

How does the OpenCRM backup work? How often is my data backed up?

Every Day We take a backup of your system every evening. These nightly backup snapshots are kept for 7 days. Every Week A snapshot is also taken at the start of each week; this is stored in a separate facility away from the rest of our infrastruct...

What security do you have to manage log-ins?

There are a number of ways you can control how and where your users login to OpenCRM. These include: Adding Multi-Factor Authentication (different article)  Setting your Password Policy  Adding Session Timeouts  IP Blocking / Banning Setting your ...

Does OpenCRM support plain text emailing?

Sending an email from OpenCRM sends primarily in HTML but provides a plain text version for non-HTML email clients. The plain text version is a stripped down version of the HTML version - with all HTML formatting and tags removed. The more heavily...

How can I create an Invoice for part of a Sales Order? How to use Partial Invoicing?

Overview This FAQ will explain how you can create an Invoice for part of a Sales Order and how to enable this feature. Partial Invoicing allows you to create an Invoice for part of a Sales Order, this could be either for just some of the products ...

I want to see a copy of any emails I send from OpenCRM within my Sent Items Folder in Outlook (Microsoft 365)?

When you send an email from OpenCRM you have the option to send yourself a confirmation email. Your OpenCRM system is set-up by default to do this - you can see this on the Email edit screen, where the Send Confirmation box below the body of the e...

Print address labels from data stored in OpenCRM

A good starting point is to define a list of people you want to generate labels for. The best way of doing this is by creating a Custom View , where you've entered the recipient criteria, and also set the relevant address columns to display in th...

OpenCRM Standard Webform Package

It is possible to post information gathered on a contact form on your website directly into your OpenCRM system. First of all, you will need the web form package which can be obtained by contacting us at . Requirements Web f...

What Keyboard shortcuts are there to help navigation?

Within OpenCRM V4 we have introduced keyboard shortcuts to give you a quick and easy way to navigate your system without the need to use the mouse. Note: You can think of these in the same way that you might use ctrl+C and ctrl+V for Copy and Past...

How can I use the Support Desk widget on the Sidebar?

Clicking on the support icon on the sidebar (the headset) will open a menu listing all your support users; This shows a list of all Users that are on the Support team:  Those that are ticked will receive notification of new tickets and status chan...

Can I map additional fields from OpenCRM Campaigns to Mailchimp? Is there an endpoint I can use to add records to a Campaign via the API?

If you wish to add additional fields to your Mailchimp Audience or change the email address used you can do this with the Mailchimp Mapping interface. Prerequisites You have created an Audience in Mailchimp You have created a Campaign in OpenCRM a...

How do I cancel a scheduled email? Can I stop a bulk email sending after it has already started?

It is possible to stop the sending of a scheduled email, even after it has started sending, by changing the status of the email from "Sending" to "Draft." As you can see in the gif below, you simply: Click on the Email Click to Edit Change the Sta...

Can I prompt users to create a scheduled activity / follow up activity for an Opportunity automatically / by default?

In "additional settings" under the "Opportunities" heading you will find a new setting for "Default schedule activity" this picklist will allow you to define a default value for the "Schedule Activity" picklist in Opportunities. If set to anything...

Do you have an overview of the Purchase Orders module?

Within OpenCRM you will find the Purchase Orders module. This is primarily used in one of two ways: 1. To order Products from a supplier to bring into your own stock 2. To order Products that are required to fulfill a Sales Order for a client Ther...

Do you have any example email templates I can use?

Yes, we do! These were all created using our integration with Stripo. Adding them to your email template library is easy: Download the zip file attached at the bottom of this article (under Related Files) Right click and extract all files Open the...

How do I record Consent for adding Personal Data?

If you want a dedicated way to add a record of consent given by a Lead or Contact, you can do so with a special type of Activity in OpenCRM. You can find this Activity the sub tabs for Pending and History: OR using the Activity button at the top o...

How to set Billing Email Address as default for Sales Orders?

Within Invoices, emails are sent to the Billing Email by default, falling back to Contact and then to Company if the Billing Email is not populated. We have added a setting to enable this same logic on Sales Orders too. This Setting can be found i...

How do I login to your customer portal? I have been asked to upload a document to the Portal by one of the OpenCRM team, how do I do this?

Access to our customer portal is through the Support menu on our website ( Open your browser and navigate to and select the SUPPORT menu (top right) and then click on the image labelled Customer Portal. You will...

How do I manage marketing subscription lists? (GDPR)

Important To use the Subscription List functionality, you will need to make sure your Customer Portal has been enabled. How to install the Customer Portal Managing your email subscription lists is possible in OpenCRM using a combination of several...

How can I email a group of recipients from a Helpdesk ticket? Can I link tickets in OpenCRM to tickets in other systems?

This FAQ outlines two features within the Helpdesk module which facilitate sharing tickets and ticket details with a wider audience: Managing additional email addresses on outbound emails Linking third party tickets to tickets within OpenCRM Manag...

How can I raise a single Invoice from multiple Sales Orders?

Enabling Bulk Invoicing of Sales Orders To enable this feature please navigate to  Settings >  Additional Settings >  Sales Order Settings , tick this option and  Save . There are three ways to use this feature by using the 'Consolidate product ...

How to use the Add Note feature

There are two ways of adding a quick Note to OpenCRM - firstly on the Contacts module from the Contact list view, and secondly via the Pending and History sub-tabs on the Leads, Opportunities, Contacts, Companies and Projects modules. Add Note on ...

Using Markup, Margin and Discount in the Product Grids

Using the Markup and Discount fields on the Product Grid You have the ability to set default state for the Mark-Up and Discount fields on the Product Grid - you can choose whether to have the field default to being a monetary value, or a percentag...

Adding Attachments to Activities

When creating or editing Activities, there is the option to upload a Document as an Attachment. You can use the  folder icon to select a document already uploaded to OpenCRM, or the  Choose File option to upload a new Document. There are two fie...

How do I check if my OpenCRM Company is linked to the correct Xero Contact?

When you send an Invoice to Xero from OpenCRM a number of things happen including checking to see if the OpenCRM Company is already associated with a Xero Contact. The primary check is to look for a Xero Contact that has the corresponding Xero ref...

Copy Product Links between Parent (Member Of) and Child Company

If you go to Settings > Additional Settings you will find the following settings Enabling the first of these settings will add two check boxes to the Company to Product Relationship screen as below Ticking the first of these boxes will, if the c...

How do I upload multiple files or attachments to a record?

If you wish to upload multiple files to a record, you can do this by going to the Documents sub-tab and using the drag-and-drop functionality.  This area can be used by either "dragging and dropping" the files you want to upload over the box, or b...

How do I use Multi-Factor Authentication in OpenCRM? What is MFA? Do you have 2 factor authentication? What is 2FA?

Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) is an additional step in the login process that adds extra security to your system. You will sometimes see this referred to as Two Factor Authentication (2FA). This article is going to cover: 1. How MFA (Multi-Fac...

Browser Security - Which browsers can I use to access OpenCRM? Which browsers do you support?

As you might expect we constantly review our security policy on the OpenCRM infrastructure, especially in the light of what the security community has learnt from previous high profile internet attacks. One of the key considerations is how we mana...

How to create a Stock Fund PDF Template

If you want to send out Stock Fund statements to your customers, this FAQ will walk you through creating and using a basic template. Enable the Stock Fund feature The first thing you need to do is enable to Stock Fund feature as you will not be ab...

Spam filtering - how reliable are click thru links ?

Click thru links are the hyperlinks that you might include in an outbound email campaign to enable you to monitor the effectiveness of your email marketing. Some well know spam filters are automatically triggering click thrus without the recipient...

Using the Print Screen function

In each module in OpenCRM, you have a Print Screen function. This can be found in the upper right-hand corner of the screen when viewing a record in detail mode. You are able to use this function to print the standard screen, or on modules where...

How do I give companies a credit fund which can be used to fulfill Sales Orders / Invoices?

Company Stock Fund / Credit Fund The company stock fund can be used to allocate credits to a customer which can then be used to purchase your products and services. For instance, you could assign a client a stock fund credit of £100, which they co...

Choosing from multiple Suppliers when adding Products to Quotes/ Sales Orders/ Invoices

It is possible to link a Company to a Product and specify that the Company is a Supplier of that particular Product. On the same link, you can specify the price at which they supply that Product to you. This information can then (optionally) be di...

Can I add Contacts, Companies or Leads to a Campaign or Event from a Report?

Adding Contacts or Companies to a Campaign When you run a report if you include the Company and/ or Contact fields in the report you will see a button labelled "Add Contact / Company / Leads to Campaign". This will work from any module (e.g. Oppor...

Am I able to search for records located by Postcode within a specific radius?

OpenCRM does not have an option for you to search for records, based on Postcode location, within a specific radius using features within OpenCRM alone, however with the use of a 3rd party website you can easily cater for this requirement. The pro...

How can I view some vital system statistics at a glance (key metrics)?

The Key Metrics tool is a block that can be enabled on the Dashboard. This enables you to view a set of key statistics across all modules, at a glance. For example, the following screenshot gives me an easy way of seeing all Companies assigned to ...

How can I link a Document or an Activity or to multiple Contacts?

Go to the Contact, record click on the Document sub-tab, and hit Select Document to pick the document to associate with that contact. OR From the Document record: Go to the Document in question, click on the Contact sub-tab and link all the people...

Update financial records with current company address on Save?

When creating financial records, including Invoices, Sales Orders, Purchase Orders, and Quotes, the address can be either entered manually or linked from the Company record. To switch on the field within the appropriate financial Edit View, firstl...

How can I send emails to Contacts from the Activities module?

You have the ability to send emails to linked Contacts from the Activities module, using the Email Contacts button. Please note that this function does not extend to the Leads or Companies modules but is for Contacts only. You can do this for ...

Inbound SMS, return address, costs and setup?

Within OpenCRM you can send an outbound SMS. By default, this SMS shows a 'sender name' that is not a mobile number and therefore does not allow for a reply. This works well for alerting and knowledge transfer messages but on occasions, you want t...

I am not based in the UK, what settings do I need to change?

As a NON UK customer, there are a few things that you will probably want to change. Some of these things you can do yourself, others will need the help of our support team. Time Zone You will need to change the time zone offset for each user recor...

How are the balance fields on the Company records in OpenCRM calculated?

The balance fields on the company account are calculated as follows: Outstanding Balance / Total Balance  = Sum of all invoices (Credit notes deducted), regardless of due date - includes future due invoices Due Balance = Sum of all invoices (Cre...

Can I visualise gains and losses on Opportunities?

There are a couple of ways in OpenCRM which enable you to see whether the value of an Opportunity has gone up or down. Arrows on the Opportunity Grid The arrow icons let you know if there has been: By hovering over the arrow you can see how much t...

How can I gather campaign statistics?

The campaign module will automatically generate statistics about the responses you receive during the life of a campaign. They are listed in the ‘Success Benchmarks’ section on each campaign record. Important:  You will need to follow the instruct...

Social Media connections on Leads, Contacts and Companies

Enabling the Social Media fields on Leads, Contacts and Companies There are specific blocks with pre configured fields to allow you to hold Social Network links for the most common Social Networks. To enable the blocks you should follow these step...

A tab count shows a " * " and no value, A tab count shows " ~ ". Large tab counts seem a bit inaccurate. How does tab count caching work? Why does opening a record with a large number of linked items take a long time? Why can I only see 1000 records in linked grids?

What is tab caching? The values for the tab count values that show on the sub-tabs on records are cached. This is to improve system performance on records with a large number of linked records (e.g. emails). In the explanation below, the word "MAX...

How does stock management work in OpenCRM?

Stock is managed and adjusted in the following ways. The initial stock level can be entered in the "Qty in stock" field on the Product. Please note that Stock Management only applies to Products where the "No Stock" field is NOT ticked.  How is st...

Can I have product descriptions in multiple languages? How can I get the different languages to show on Quotes, Sales Orders and Invoices?

When creating a Product record you can enter up to four different language descriptions in the available description text areas.  The desired description is automatically pulled through when that Product is added to a Quote, Sales Order or Invoice...

How can I let users know an Invoice is already linked to a Sales Order to prevent them raising another one? Can I warn users when a Sales Order has already been created from a Quote?

Invoice Creation OpenCRM can be set up to warn users who are trying to create an invoice that one is already linked to the sales order if that is the case. This can be enabled by going to the settings in OpenCRM and going into additional settings....

Should I delete records or not?

This FAQ gives general guidance on how to manage deleting records within OpenCRM. There are circumstances when deleting a record in OpenCRM is the best option to maintain your data integrity, however, there are other situations when leaving the re...

Can I change the default Landing Page after I login from Calendar to another module? Can I change my home page from the Calendar to something else?

Yes, this is managed through the My Account Setting, follow these steps; Select  My Account  on the dropdown menu beneath your Username in the top right corner Select Edit Scroll down to Interface Settings Select the  Default Module picklist an...

How can I make a record private? How can I stop system administrators and data administrators seeing private records?

How can I make a record private? You can mark records as private either by ticking the "Private" tick-box" (if available, see below) or setting the security to one of the private options.  Tick Box The privacy tick box does have a little more func...

I need to make sure that Activities and other entries in OpenCRM are set to my timezone, how do I do this?

You can change your timezone difference based on GMT within your user settings. This is a user preference and does not affect any other users. To make this change you should follow these steps: 1. Select the My Account  option which can be found ...

How can I link Opportunities together and show the overral total values of these Opportunities?

You can link related Opportunities together by navigating to the sub-tabs at the bottom of the Opportunity screen and clicking Select Opportunity which is visible when you click on the Opportunity sub-tab. The total value of all linked opportuni...

How to manage Reports on the Dashboard

Your Dashboard can be accessed by clicking on the "graph" icon on the sidebar This contains information such as Key Metrics, Current Activities, Open Opportunities, built-in graphs, and Custom Reports you wish to see displayed. You are able to sel...

Using the Closed Date field on a Sales Order

The Closed Date field will show you the date when the order was approved (eSigned) by your customer or converted to and Invoice (Completed), giving you one date field on which to filter on in Views and Reports. By default the closed statuses are  ...

How can I get a list of Contacts based on information that is held on the Primary Company?

The Contacts module has an enhanced search feature that allows you to create a list of Contacts based on information that is held on their Primary Company. To achieve this you should follow these steps; Go into the Contacts  module. Click the + i...

I'm seeing a warning on my emails about SPF. How do I set-up a Sender Policy Framework (SPF) record for my Domain? My emails from OpenCRM are being rejected by servers / recipients what can I do about this?

When emailing from OpenCRM, you are seeing one of the following warnings: Warning: Your domain is not configured to allow sending from OpenCRM (Sender Policy Framework) Warning: Your domain is not configured to allow sending from OpenCRM (DKIM) Wa...

How can I create an individual Activity for records in my list, in one go?

If you want to create an individual Activity for each record an entire list of records, for example, you have imported new Leads and wish to create an Initial Call Activity, one Activity for each of the Leads , you would follow these steps; Note ...

How can I bulk update the 'Start Date & Time' of Activities? Can I reschedule Activities?

There are two ways you can change the start date of several Activities. Reschedule (recommended) To use the Reschedule option: Select all the records you would like to update by clicking the tick box next to the relevant records Click the Reschedu...

I would like to add an image to an Email, how do I do this?

To add an image to an Email (including Email Templates) follow these steps; Ensure your image has the dimensions you want it to appear to the recipient, whilst the email editor allows you to resize images many email clients ignore this and display...

How do I display linked records when working with Activities? What do the Icons mean?

When you Create or Edit an Activity you can view information from the Linked Records (Leads, Companies, Contacts, Projects, Sales Orders etc....) To do this you would select one of the icons that are displayed to the right of the Linked Record Fie...

How can I track spend variances / variations on the accounts / companies I deal with? What is the `Current Spend` field for?

In OpenCRM, you can track the variance of a company spend with you using the `Current Spend` field which can be found on the Company record. Each time you update the current spend value, this is logged in the system. When you view a company record...

How do I send a bulk SMS ?

Go to the Contact or Lead module Load a pre-defined VIEW, create a new VIEW or carry out a SEARCH, to get your results listed in the results grid. Select the records that you wish to send to by clicking the tick boxes on the left of the grid. Sele...

When I send a bulk email I want to be able to suppress the CRMID's from showing at the foot of the email, how can I do this?

When you send an Email through OpenCRM by default the CRMID's of linked records are shown at the foot of the email. These are generally invisible to normal users, but when a large block of these ID's is added, due to a bulk email, these can someti...

How do I find the ID of an Email Template?

You can obtain the ID for the template by following these steps; Go to SETTINGS Select Email Templates from the Communications section Navigate to the TEMPLATE you want to use The Template ID will be in brackets to the right of the name

What size should I make Images in FAQ's ?

This depends on the size of the page that is going to display the FAQ - we suggest a maximum width of 900px . You can adjust this either when you create the image (i.e. take a screenshot) or by editing the size of the image in the Image Propertie...

How to give full ownership rights of the record to more than one User on Contacts and Companies?

You can give multiple users full ownership rights to any Contact or Company record in two ways: 1. Using the Linked Users Field 2. Using the Users sub-tab Linked Users Field Linked Users field is a multi-select user field and this field works the...

Can I track previous jobs that a Contact has had?

The "Previous Company Roles" block allows you to track a person's change in role (job title) at a company and/or a change in their primary company including the dates when these changes took place. Each time you change a person's job title, or pri...

I have a Sales Order that I want to generate an Invoice for at a regular period (a recurring invoice) ?

There are occasions when you may have a regular amount that you wish to Invoice over a recurring period (e.g. you wish to charge for a service every month, quarter or year). To accomplish this within OpenCRM you can use the Recurring options on a ...

Working with Reports

A Report is a great way of showing important information to you in graphic, detail or summary form. This data can be exported to PDF, Excel or CSV. This article is going to walk you through: 1. Navigating the Reports Module 2. Creating a new Rep...

Email Merge Variables

Email merge variables are the tags you can see in the default email templates in your system. For example: Dear $contacts_firstname$leads_firstname - this shows two merge variables " $contacts_firstname " and " $leads_firstname ". What they do i...

How do I use the Timeline and Heartbeat?

          The Timeline (and Heartbeat) feature is one that we developed as a way to better highlight important information and history on individual records. As you see from the above GIF, you can access the Timeline when viewing a record. Expandi...

How do I use the Right to be Forgotten (Right to Erasure) tools in OpenCRM? (GDPR)

Using the Right to be Forgotten (RTBF) in OpenCRM has two parts. The first is how you mark a record as having made a RTBF request and the second is the workflow (or actions) that take place after the fact.   Warning! The tools and functionality av...

Product Grouping, Sub-Tabs and Headers on Sales PDFs

A standard Quote, Sales Order or Invoice PDF is designed to show a Header section, Products grid and Footer section. Within the Products grid you can specify which columns to display (e.g. Product Name, Product Code, Quantity, Total etc.) in order...

Using and Customising the Sidebar

Our sidebar is the really the backbone of OpenCRM. It lets you navigate all over the system (and beyond), but still needs to fit your way of working. In this FAQ, we're going to discuss; 1 Using the Sidebar to navigate 2 Setting your preferred the...

Working with Custom Fields

As well as the standard fields in the modules of OpenCRM, you are able to add custom fields, hide other fields and re-arrange the fields to create a display that best suits the needs of you and your organisation. Create a Custom Field Let's create...

How to Clear your Cache

Every web browser stores a cache of pages you visit (e.g. HTML pages, images, scripts that run on these pages) to reduce bandwidth usage and server load. This is called the browser's cache. This is done to help speed up your access to commonly vie...

A Video Overview of Activities

Campaigns Overview

For an in-depth view of the Campaigns functionality, please take a look at our webinar - note this is only 47 minutes long : The Campaigns module is a deep and powerful tool in OpenCRM. It is where you can group selected Leads, Contacts and Compa...

Tips and Tricks for Email Templates

This FAQ is aimed at helping you to customise your email templates correctly. It covers how to use a font which is not available in the email editor toolbar and will also help if you are having trouble with styling text for various email clients. ...

Adding my Logo to OpenCRM

The first time an administrator logs into your system, you will be presented with the Set-Up Wizard ( FAQ ). You will be able to easily add a company logo at that time. If you ever need to upload a new logo, you should follow these steps; 1. Go to...

How does OpenCRM calculate VAT compared to Sage?

Sage VAT calculation works as follows: Sage calculates VAT by applying VAT to the total of each line - e.g if it was two items at £15 each, the calculation would be VAT =  2 x 15 x 0.175 Sage rounds the value of each line total and adds up each VA...

How can I remove duplicate entries from Leads, Companies or Contacts within OpenCRM and how does this work? Using the MERGE feature.

Merge Contacts, Companies, Leads and other OpenCRM record types

How can an activity be created for multiple users?

There are two main methods of creating an Activity against a single entity; Use the New Activity button in the Activities module, or use the Create  tool in the sidebar and select Activity . Either will take you into the edit screen where you ...

How can text be copied into an OpenCRM editor from an existing document?

Copying text from an existing document into an OpenCRM Editor You can copy and paste text from an existing document to an OpenCRM editor field. Because different document formats can contain ‘hidden’ codes, it is best to make sure you are pasting ...

Why might OpenCRM have an order total that is different in pricing from my website or other computer system?

This type of problem is very common and is almost always caused by the way your different computer systems round numbers.  VAT calculation in the UK is a good example of this. There are two popular ways of calculating VAT, one that applies it to e...

I negotiate bespoke prices for my products with each company/customer? How can I easily quote the same products at the same prices without having to re-enter all the information?

If you negotiate a price with a customer for a product and then regularly re-sell the same products at the same prices to the same customer, regardless of the actual price fluctuations of the product itself, then there is a feature of OpenCRM whic...

How can I send a bulk email to multiple contacts or leads or companies simultaneously?

Bulk Emailing in OpenCRM Creation of a single email so that it is sent to a group of people relies on an understanding of two key areas of OpenCRM. Custom Views Email Templates You should understand how to create a Custom View on the appropriate g...

What is / how do I use revenue forecasting on Opportunities? How do I report on revenue forecasting?

What is revenue forecasting? Revenue forecasting is a way of breaking an opportunity down into a number of sub-sections, so that you can record in stages when you expect different amounts of the total to be received. How do I use revenue forecasti...

How can I customise my Calendar? Can I change the default view on my Calendar? Is there a way to colour code the calendar display, so that Activities show up in different colours for different users?

You have a few different customisation options when it comes to the Calendar. To access these, go to "My Account" and scroll down until you see "Calendar Settings". Default View By default your OpenCRM Calendar will always show you your own (My Ow...

How can I raise a Credit Invoice in OpenCRM?

You can raise Credit Invoices either to void existing Invoices or on an ad hoc basis. Voiding An Invoice To cancel out an existing Invoice, open the Invoice and select the Duplicate button: This will create a new Invoice, in Edit mode. Find the St...

How do I log into the different language (French and German) editions of OpenCRM?

OpenCRM is currently available in English, French and German versions. You can select which language version you wish to use on the initial log-in screen and picking the language of your choice from the language picklist: You complete the log-in w...

Can OpenCRM help me track bounce back e-mails?

OpenCRM will let you track hard and soft bounces against contacts, companies, leads and campaigns if your system is set up with POP2OpenCRM .  But before we get into that, let's define what that means. What are hard and soft bounces? When sending...

How can I add or link a Contact to a Company?

In OpenCRM you are able to link Contacts to one or more Companies. This enables you to link people such as consultants whose working relationship with you means you need to associate them with more than one Company. If you are creating a new Conta...

How can I select multiple contacts or companies while keeping the popup window open

To link multiple contacts to an Activity, open the Activity in question, scroll down to the sub tabs (the tabs below the main information panel) on a record, select  Contacts and then click the Select Contact button. This will display the conta...

Can I see what I have despatched for an order, and what still needs to be despatched?

OpenCRM allows Sales Orders to be partially despatched. To enable this feature a System Administrator will need to enable the setting "Allow sales orders to be partially despatched when using standard stock management", which can be found in Sett...

Must I have sequential numbering within OpenCRM numbering and what should I do when I need to cancel an invoice?

Here are the UK government's guidance to sequential invoice numbering: 

What is the best method of searching OpenCRM?

There are many ways of searching for records in OpenCRM: 1. Global searching 2. Searching individual modules 3. Custom views (details covered in a different article) Global Search The global search is located right at the top of your screen (or yo...

How do I use the ODT or DOCX Mail Merge options to create document templates in OpenCRM?

Within OpenCRM we have a feature that allows you to use RTF / ODT / DOCX documents (from Word or Open Office) as merge templates. Within OpenCRM traditionally users have had the option to create templates and merge with these templates, using the ...

How can I automatically link emails to Projects, Campaigns and Opportunities?

Using Pop2OpenCRM, you can link emails to Projects, Opportunities and Campaigns. This is done by using the Email Address field on those modules. If you populate this with an email address, any emails sent to that address will automatically be link...

What does OpenCRM do?

We are often asked, "What does OpenCRM do?" The answer is that, because of the wide range of customisation options, OpenCRM does a lot of different things for a lot of different companies and users.  If you'd like a quick overview of our features,...

How do I send an SMS to a contact or lead in OpenCRM?

Important : In order to send SMS messages from OpenCRM, you need to set up your Users correctly. This is done in two places - in OpenCRM, and also in the SMS account configuration.  Please refer to this FAQ  for more information. To send an SMS to...

What are Action Plans in OpenCRM?

Action Plans are a great way of automating tasks. Many of the tasks that you will perform within OpenCRM will involve creating activities and linking them to the item that you are creating, whether that is a new Project, a new Company or even a ne...

How can I make the most of my To Do List (Activities) using the Complete button?

The "Complete" button is a very useful tool which enables you to progress a job to do such as a Call. Clicking on this button takes you to the Activity Edit screen. From here you can access a multitude of other modules and information without havi...

How can I use the Calendar? How do I use the Calendar page to navigate the system?

There are three main areas of the Calendar in OpenCRM and this FAQ will walk you through how you can use each of them to navigate both the page and the whole system: 1. Mini-Calendar 2. Main Calendar (and the Activities shown on it) 3. Preview Mod...

I need to hold details of employees (personnel) is there a way to do this in OpenCRM?

OpenCRM has a dedicated Personnel module that allows you to hold Employee details. This module has dedicated fields that relate to HR and Personnel information. You can add additional custom fields as required and also change values held within th...

What are Custom Views and how can I set these up?

Custom views are a way of filtering data on the Home pages of all the entities. These are useful in two ways: 1. They allow you to add alternative columns in a view     e.g. instead of displaying Company Name, City & Phone etc. you might want to d...

How can I create Email Templates in OpenCRM?

Email Templates - An Overview Administrators and System Configurators are able to create, edit, duplicate and delete Email Templates. In order to access the Email Templates go to Settings > Communication Templates > Email Templates Here you c...

Help, I can't find any records - the Recent Items view is not showing any data anymore!

The default View on many modules will be set to  Recent Items . This view is set to show records which have been created/ edited recently - for many modules this is the last 21 days, for other modules, this is set to the last 7 days. So if you hav...

How does the JotForm integration work? (Overview)

      Built into OpenCRM is integration with JotForm ( ). Setting up the integration between JotForm and OpenCRM Creating the Form in JotForm Mapping your form fields to OpenCRM fields Updating existing OpenCRM records via JotF...

How Can I CC and/or BCC in OpenCRM.

You can add Carbon Copies (CC) or Blind Carbon Copies (BCC) recipients to emails from the New Email screen by clicking on this folder icon: This will open a pop up window (so please make sure that your browser is happy to open pop ups from OpenCRM...

How can I add YouTube videos on FAQs and Knowledgebase articles?

You can set a YouTube link as the video on an FAQ. This needs to be added to the video path in the correct format, into the Video URL field: Copy and paste the YouTube URL that you can find by clicking on "Share This Video". The URL will look like...

How can I add Warnings to records in OpenCRM?

You may wish to add a Warning to a record in OpenCRM. This may be used to draw particular attention to a record when it is visited. You can do this either manually or you can automate Warnings using Workflow. Adding Warnings Manually To set up a W...

How can I generate Company Statement PDFs?

Overview You can output PDFs from Company records to show Statements, using the Export to PDF button. You will then be presented with a list of templates, allowing you to generate the relevant statement Type. The Email PDF button will generate...

Do you have an overview of using the Assets module in OpenCRM?

Assets - an Introduction You can use OpenCRM to track all manner of Assets that your organisation needs to manage. This could include equipment which has been entrusted to members of staff or pieces of kit that are on lease to clients. Assets can ...

How to I change the layout of my fields using Layouts

For Leads, Contacts, Companies, Documents, Activities, Opportunities, Sales Orders and Contracts, it is possible to change the block and field layout, adding your own blocks and customizing the number of columns used for fields. This FAQ is going ...

What are Email Plans in OpenCRM? (Overview)

  This FAQ explores the various options for creating and sending emails on a pre-defined schedule. Known as Email Plans in OpenCRM-speak. This FAQ will cover:  Email Plans - an Overview Adding a PDF to your Email Plan Using Email Plans for Events ...

Can I keep the Product selector window open, so I can add more than one Product at a time?

Typically when you select a Product to add to a Quote, Order or Invoice clicking on the Product will add this to the sales document and close the Product window. There is an option available to prevent this window from closing automatically and th...

How do I remove one or more recipients from an email before I send it?

To remove one or more recipients from an email BEFORE you send it: Click into the text area next to the ‘To’, ‘Cc’ or ‘Bcc’ labels, that display the name and email addresses that have been added: This will open a popup window as below. This lists ...

Do you have a general overview of the Projects Module?

OpenCRM contains a full Project Management module to help you manage customer-centric activities and deliver an ongoing service. This is where you can collect related tasks, assign activities to the members of your team, and track the progress of ...

How does the Member Of field work on Companies? How do I use Parent and Child Relationships for Billing and Contract purposes?

This FAQ will cover the following areas: How to establish a link between a Parent and a Child Company Using Org View to visualise relationships between Companies and Contacts How to link the Parent Company address details to Child Companies and Co...

How can I get started with the Helpdesk in OpenCRM?

Helpdesk - an Overview Using the Helpdesk module you can record Support tickets in OpenCRM. These may come in via email, telephone or via your customer portal. Once tickets are logged in OpenCRM, you can do any of the following: Record your respon...

How can I reassign a group of records?

How to reassign a group of records (Leads, Companies, Contacts, Activities) 1) Select the record(s) you want to reassign by ticking the box to the left of each record 2) Click the Change Owner button at the bottom of the screen. 3) You will see ...

What is the Event module?

The Events module is designed to help you manage all aspects of Events you may organise. This includes: Creating an Event Setting an Event Schedule Adding Attendees, Staff and Sponsors Managing and Updating the status of Attendees Viewing Event De...

HelpDesk Quick Start Guide

Different types of ticket / contract There are 3 different type of Helpdesk ticket/contract. Ad Hoc Tickets All chargeable time accrued against the ticket will be billed. To set up a ticket of this nature. Link your contact and company and then th...

Can I customise the names of PDF documents and associated emails?

Important : This can only be edited by the team at OpenCRM. If you want to explore using this feature, please contact your Project or Account Manager, or our Support team. Where does the name come from?  The system uses the Module Name + CRMID by ...

How can I create a graph on a report? How can I have a report graph appear on my Homepage? I would like to create a Report with Graph totals broken down by Year/Month, how do I do this?

Report Graphing In order to display a graph on a report you need to ensure: 1. You set the Report Type to Summary Report and not  Tabular Report .  2. You specify at least one option under 'Specify Grouping'. This is to set the X (horizontal) ax...

Can I add anyone who has placed an order or had an invoice or quote from me on to an email campaign?

From the list view on the  Quotes ,  Sales Orders and  Invoices modules, you have the ability to select a number of those records and add the Contacts or Companies associated with those records to either a new or existing  Campaign . Enabling Th...

How Do I Prevent a User (Or Group Of Users) Deleting Records?

The ways in which your users can interact with records in OpenCRM are controlled through their Profiles.  Profiles are linked to individual users via their Roles.  So the first thing we need to do is to create a Profile which does not let its asso...

How does Product Kitting work? How can I sell products as part of a bundle?

This is a way of selling a group of products as part of a bundle. A bundle is a product item in OpenCRM, which has other products linked as Components. This means you can add this bundle, or group of products, to a quote, sales order, purchase ord...

If I use a Bulk Email Account are there limits to the number of emails that I can send?

All Bulk Email Accounts have quota limits - these relate directly to the package that you have subscribed to - if you are interested in subscribing to a Bulk Email plan, you will need to get in touch with your Account Manager. The main OpenCRM Bul...

How can I make a payment on an Invoice?

You can record payments against an Invoice easily within OpenCRM. 1. To make a payment, open your Invoice and click the Payment button at the top of the screen 2. This will open a pop-up where you can include a subject, the date, and a brief descr...

How do I use the Data Retention tools in OpenCRM? (GDPR)

1. Go to Settings > Workflow > Data Retention Rules . 2. Once there, you'll see a screen that shows you a list of your rules, whether or not they're Active (i.e. actively running against your live data), and some actions. We'll take you throu...

What is the Click Through Wizard and how can I use this to create links?

Important To use the Click Through Wizard, you will need to make sure your Customer Portal has been enabled. How to install the Customer Portal The Click Through Wizard is a tool which you can use to generate the code required to track click thr...

How do I build a Marketing Email Template in OpenCRM?

This FAQ has been broken down into two parts: Basic This section will guide you through the main steps to building an email template in OpenCRM. You should refer to the email template called 'Basic Email Template Eg' which can be found in your sys...

Can I check if the email address I am entering is valid?

There is a feature within OpenCRM that allows you to check an email address format and domain before you save the record. This appears as a small icon to the right of any email address field that you add to any entity within OpenCRM. By clicki...

I need to find the User ID - How do I find this ?

To find the User ID system admins can do the following: Go to Settings > User Management > Users Hover over any one of the user names and look at the status bar at the foot of the page - this will look like this; The User ID is the number at the ...

Controlling the length of fields in List Views

You can alter the length of any or all fields displayed in list views to a specified number of characters. First, you need to think about what type of fields would you like to alter. If it all fields on OpenCRM or just one field across OpenCRM, or...

Change fields displayed in Recent Items, Global Search and Sub-Tabs

We now offer the ability to change the fields shown in the Recent Items, Global Search and Sub-Tab lists. This can only be done by the development team at OpenCRM and is a chargeable piece of work. Please contact your account manager for more deta...

Can I automatically apply a discount to my Quotes and Sales Orders depending on the order value?

This feature enables you to apply an automatic discount to quotes and sales orders based on the order value. You are able to specify multiple discount bands to offer different discount percentages depending on the order value. To enable this featu...

What is the best way to transfer files to our team?

There will be occasions when you need to send us files. This might be copies of document layouts or data you need our help importing. Our email services reject any emails with higher-risk file attachments, including any data attachments. This incl...

Stock Reports and Stock Tracking

Stock Tracking / Audit Log Basic stock tracking is possible in OpenCRM. Whenever stock movement occurs through the various stock movement processes in OpenCRM (despatch, invoicing, manually adding/removing stock), this is recorded in an audit log...

Automatically Add a Product to an Opportunity, Quote, Sales Order, Invoice, or Purchase Order

It is possible to automatically apply a default product to a new Opportunity, Quote, Sales Order, Invoice, or Purchase Order. Within Additional Settings, there are options to specify a product ID for each type of record as follows: Add product to ...

Using Kanban Board View on Activities, Opportunities and Projects

This feature is currently available on Activities, Opportunities and Projects The Kanban Board view gives you the option to view records on a grid as opposed to a list. Here is a standard list view of Opportunities: Clicking the Opportunity Name t...

What is SPF (Sender Policy Framework)?

Sender Address Forgery Today, nearly all abusive e-mail messages carry a fake sender addresses. The victims whose addresses are being abused often suffer from the consequences, because their reputation gets diminished and they have to disclaim lia...

SPF (Sender Policy Framework) for OpenCRM

What is SPF SPF is an important Email Anti-Spam feature.  It ensures that the server which sends your emails is actually allowed to do so.  This in turn makes it much more likely that your emails will land in an Inbox and not a Junk folder. For mo...

Configuring your domain for OpenCRM (Emails)

In order to successfully send emails from OpenCRM using your own domain and ensure your emails do not get rejected or land in spam or junk folders, there are two things you need to do and one which is recommended (especially for bulk mailing). Add...

What does the Link button do?

When viewing an individual record, you can see a set of buttons across the top of the page, including a Link button: This gives you a quick way to link that record to another record in the system. The options available will be a reflection of the ...