OpenCRM Admin

Settings and other admin-led features

Can I report on User logins?

You can get a report of either all or selected Users and their log-in history. In order to report on this information you need to carry out this step first: Go to  Additional Settings > Audit Log Settings and enable the following: Log User Login...

Can we order the Pending and History subtabs by date?

You can choose to have the pending and history subtabs sorted in ascending or descending date order. Each can be controlled independently so for example, you may want the Pending items to show the oldest items first which still need to be complete...

Configuring OpenCRM to send emails using DKIM

What is DKIM? DKIM is an important Email Anti-Spam feature.  It ensures that if someone sends an email from your address that it actually came from you and that its content wasn't tampered with en route.  This in turn makes it much more likely tha...

What security do you have to manage log-ins?

There are a number of ways you can control how and where your users login to OpenCRM. These include: Adding Multi-Factor Authentication (different article)  Setting your Password Policy  Adding Session Timeouts  IP Blocking / Banning Setting your ...

How do I Integrate Google Workspace with Pop2OpenCRM?

Part 1 - Creating archives of your emails for OpenCRM to see. Log into your administrative Google Account and at the top right of the screen, click on the little grid of dots to open the menu, then choose Admin; Create a new mailbox on your Google...

How do notifications work in OpenCRM?

There are various system notifications in OpenCRM and this FAQ walks you through the configuration options available. These will be sent to you via email and our notification centre. Please see the end of the FAQ for notes on sending notifications...

How does the Stripo Integration work?

Stripo is a simple to use tool that allows you to create beautiful email templates quickly and easily. Once your template is designed, you can copy and paste the HTML code (as in the video) or use our integration (instructions below). Please not...

Rest API Field Reference

The tables below show the standard fields available to set on each OpenCRM module which can be created/edited by the API. Only the fields you wish to set/update should be supplied. If you supply a field without a value, it will be updated to a bla...

I want to import orders from WooCommerce or another eCommerce platform to OpenCRM?

What is needed? There are three main steps to setting up an integration between OpenCRM and your eCommerce platform: Produce a suitable CSV export of your orders from your eCommerce platform Setup your import mapping in OpenCRM to create Orders or...

Assigning a Task in Microsoft Planner to the same person who creates it - can we automate setting the assigned user in Planner?

When you create a new Task in Planner the default behaviour is to  not assign this to a user. This means that the Task will be visible in your Planner applications when you log in but it will not synchronise into your OpenCRM Task list, because i...

Recommended IAM Security Policy.

If you are taking advantage of one of our Additional Backup packages and would like us to place your Additional Backups in S3 you will need to create an IAM user for us. We recommend an AWS security model based on Least Privilege Access. The follo...

Advanced Zapier Settings: Delay, Filter and Path

There is more to Zapier than meets the eye! In this FAQ we have highlighted some extra functionality that Zapier offers.  URL Shortcut: If you are logged into your Zapier account, you can quickly get started building a new Zap simply by using the ...

How to configure Rules to determine automatic private flag on emails

You can set email addresses to be marked as PRIVATE automatically, regardless of if the sender has specified the PRIVATE flag or not. This setting is available within Settings > Configuration >  Additional Settings > Email Settings This also needs...

Troubleshooting Xero integration with these Error messages

If you run into any errors when using Xero and OpenCRM together, please contact support. This FAQ will help you determine what may be happening. Xero calculation differences when using discounts Xero applies discount at product unit level only. If...

OpenCRM Infrastructure with AWS (Amazon Web Services)

For details on our infrastructure with Amazon Web Services please refer to the attached PDF document.

Do you integrate with Microsoft 365? Can I sync my Microsoft Contacts, Calendars, and Tasks?

Our Integration with Microsoft 365 keeps your Microsoft and OpenCRM Contacts, Calendar, and Task lists in sync. This FAQ is going to walk you through setting up a sync between your Microsoft account and your OpenCRM User account.  Important! The...

How to write data retention rules to ensure attachments are removed from records?

Because of the way most attachments are linked to records in OpenCRM via a document record, and the fact that document records can exist in their own right with their own attachments linked, ensuring that linked attachments are removed from their ...

How to Update the Opportunity value from a Quote's Total, Sub-Total or Margin?

If you would like to update an Opportunities value, based on the changes you have made in a linked Quote, there are a few options available. To enable the feature, go to  Settings  >  Configuration >  Additional Settings and under  Quote Setting...

OpenCRM User Licences. How do I increase / decrease the number of user licences? How can I see how many user licences I have?

Within the User Management interface (Settings -> User Management -> Users) 'System Admin' users can see and manage the user licences for their OpenCRM system. Adjust User Allowance - This button will allow you to increase the number of user licen...

How do I check if my OpenCRM Company is linked to the correct Xero Contact?

When you send an Invoice to Xero from OpenCRM a number of things happen including checking to see if the OpenCRM Company is already associated with a Xero Contact. The primary check is to look for a Xero Contact that has the corresponding Xero ref...

How do I check / update my SageLink / Order Importer / Order Exporter version?

The instructions and screenshots below are taken directly from SageLink / Sage Order Importer; however, the process for the Order Exporter is almost identical. If you are unsure about any of these instructions please contact our support team for a...

How do I use Multi-Factor Authentication in OpenCRM? What is MFA? Do you have 2 factor authentication? What is 2FA?

Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) is an additional step in the login process that adds extra security to your system. You will sometimes see this referred to as Two Factor Authentication (2FA). This article is going to cover: 1. How MFA (Multi-Fac...

Importing to Sales Orders - additional Duplicate Checking

Please refer to this FAQ for our main guide on how to import Sales Orders into OpenCRM. There is some enhanced duplicate checking for Companies, and we have also added the possibility to check for duplicate Contacts. Company Duplicate Checking A ...

How do I auto-populate a field through a URL in JotForm?

It is possible to send an email to your Customers that will direct them to a JotForm that already contains some of the details from their Contact record within it. For example, you could use a JotForm like this to ask them to confirm their current...

Spam filtering - how reliable are click thru links ?

Click thru links are the hyperlinks that you might include in an outbound email campaign to enable you to monitor the effectiveness of your email marketing. Some well know spam filters are automatically triggering click thrus without the recipient...

I want to include a second line for the address of a Lead, Contact, or Company?

Although the address fields in OpenCRM can have as many lines as you need, there are some businesses that want to have set first and second lines of an address. If you would like to do this, we have a pre-configured second address line ready for y...

How do I give companies a credit fund which can be used to fulfill Sales Orders / Invoices?

Company Stock Fund / Credit Fund The company stock fund can be used to allocate credits to a customer which can then be used to purchase your products and services. For instance, you could assign a client a stock fund credit of £100, which they co...


Before you start Intended Audience This guide is aimed at developers wishing to integrate with OpenCRM via a REST API. You should have a good knowledge of the concept of REST web services and JSON / JSON Serialization and how to implement this in ...

Can I be notified when someone uploads a Document to the Portal?

Your customers are able to upload files to your Customer Portal that will appear as Documents in your OpenCRM system. To upload a document via the portal, your customers will simply need to select the Documents tab and then click on Upload Documen...

How can I add information to an email if a field is not blank (IFFIELD)?

Before you start: These functions do need to be created and edited in the source of the template, and so require a certain level of familiarity with HTML. As with all templates, we advise that you save a copy of a template to edit - if for any rea...

Enforcing minimum margin percentage on quotes, sales orders or invoices. See also maximum discount

Enforcing minimum margin percentages It is possible to enable checking of each product row on a Quote, Sales Order or Invoice record that the margin percentage is above a specified level. To enable this go to Settings  > Additional Settings > ...

How can I map fields between modules to set fields on creation?

It is possible to map fields between some entities from within the settings, as detailed below; but there are also some important things to remember when setting this up, as there is a potential for conflicts to occur, which may result in fields h...

Report templates and Export to PDF options

Export Options  On the reports screen, all of the export options are grouped as shown below: 1. Additional Name This will be appended to the report filename when it is exported 2. PDF Output Select what data to output from the report when exportin...

Helpdesk settings - limiting Product and Project search screens based on linked Company or Contract

You can set up your HelpDesk to only show you the Product and/or Projects from the pop-up selectors that are linked to the Company and/or Contract you have already added on that Ticket. To configure these options go to Settings > Configuration ...

How can I iFrame my e-sign portal within my (WordPress) website and still pass in the Sales Order number?

Not using WordPress? You should simply be able to skip step 1. If you are using an alternative CMS system, you may need to use a similar plugin if you find step 2 does not work for you. Please do not use a plugin to create your iFrame it is unnece...

How can I show emails in the history sub-tab of their linked record? Can I have emails I send to Contacts also show on their associated Company history tab?

This feature allows the History tab for contact and companies to show the e-mails linked to the entities within the history tab. This was previously one setting in the system but has now been split out to give greater control over which modules ha...

Can I have different Sales Stage options depending on my Opportunity type or other user selection? Conditional Sales Stage

The Sales Stage field can be made context sensitive based on a value selected in another picklist. Setup your Sales Stages and Percentages as normal from Settings > Picklist Settings > Opportunity Picklists > Edit Opportunity Picklists Make...

How can I change the values in a picklist? Can I add new activity types to the activity type drop-down?

There are many fields in OpenCRM that use picklist menus. These are pre-populated answers that make completing a record in OpenCRM much quicker to do, and give your system a uniformity that enables you to search, sort and list records according to...

Framed content within OpenCRM doesn't load leaving a blank page

Because OpenCRM is set up to run on a secure connection, framed content is blocked by default if it isn't also secure. Examples of this are the SMS log in page or the Web tab. This is caused by your browser settings. Internet Explorer will visibly...

What is the Acceptable Use Policy for OpenCRM SMTP Outbound email services?

OpenCRM Bulk Email SMTP Services - Acceptable Use Policy (AUP) Policy updated 23rd May 2022. Sending unsolicited email messages (spam) is explicitly prohibited - this policy includes any volume of unsolicited mail however large or small. We are st...

Save Activities without the Subject field, or use other fields to populate the Subject

By default, the Subject field on an Activity is a mandatory free text field. If you'd like to have pre-defined subjects, you have two options available: 1. Use the Activity Category field to populate the Subject field. 2. Pick the field(s) you wan...

Can I make a field mapping (within Imports) available to other people in my team?

When you carry out an Import you can select to save the field mappings as a Custom Mapping that can be used with other imports in the future. To do this; Click Import Select the correct file and configure your field mapping On this same screen, ...

How can I get Leads/ Contacts/ Companies into OpenCRM from a contact form on my website?

There are a number of ways that you can integrate a contact form on your website with your OpenCRM system. Jotform Integration The method we recommend for getting data into your OpenCRM system from a web form is to use our Jotform integration. Thi...

How do I set a field as mandatory?

A field can be set as mandatory from the screen designer. This is found in Settings -> Studio -> Screen Design. When you click the Screen Design option, choose the relevant module and click the link. You will then be taken to the screen designer p...

Sync Contacts and Calendars between OpenCRM and third party applications. Considerations when syncing between Google and OpenCRM. Considerations when syncing between M365 and OpenCRM.

There are a number of FAQ's that cover the various methods and utilities/applications to sync (synchronise) Contacts and Calendar items from OpenCRM with third party applications including Google, Microsoft 365 (M365), and Outlook. This FAQ is wri...

How do I set up OpenCRM to assign records by Round Robin?

Round Robin  is a way in which incoming records are distributed automatically among your team. For example: If you have 4 Users, and you have an incoming batch of 100 new Leads, applying the Round Robin function means that each of the Users will ...

How can I create an Associated Picklist that will auto populate another field?

Within OpenCRM you have the option to create a Custom Picklist that will update a standard text field with a pre-determined value. This is particularly useful when you have a list of values that you wish to select from a drop down list of items an...

How do I set up Auto Email and SMS rules?

Using an auto-email or auto-SMS rule, you can configure the system so that an email is automatically sent to a Contact and/ or User, when the specified criteria are met. To set up or edit auto-email rules, go to Settings > Configuration > Auto-Ema...

What are context sensitive fields and how do I set them up?

A context-sensitive field is a drop-down list which can have different values depending on which value is selected in a different "controlling" drop-down list. These are available to set up on OpenCRM as custom fields from the settings menu, in th...

Can I override or set the page margins on a custom PDF within OpenCRM?

To create the custom PDF you will use the HMTL editor that is built into OpenCRM. Important : This process requires a basic understanding of HTML. To make these changes you should expand the HTML editor toolbar and select the SOURCE button. The SO...

Should I delete records or not?

This FAQ gives general guidance on how to manage deleting records within OpenCRM. There are circumstances when deleting a record in OpenCRM is the best option to maintain your data integrity, however, there are other situations when leaving the re...

How can I set up rules for recording Bonuses to Users within OpenCRM?

OpenCRM allows administrators to set up Bonuses for Users within your organisation. These are displayed on the User's Home Page. This grid contains figures to show the Bonuses and Commissions earned by a particular user, as shown in totals for the...

Can I set up automated Imports to automatically import data into OpenCRM?

It is possible to set up automated imports to bring data automatically into your OpenCRM. This needs to be done by an OpenCRM technician. For details on how you can set this up on your system please contact support or your Project Manager for more...

How can I set up Commissions for Users within OpenCRM?

OpenCRM allows administrators to set up Commissions for Users within your organisation. These are displayed on the User's Home Page. The grid displays all Commissions and Bonuses earned on a monthly, quarterly and annual level. This FAQ will show ...

How can I make a record private? How can I stop system administrators and data administrators seeing private records?

How can I make a record private? You can mark records as private either by ticking the "Private" tick-box" (if available, see below) or setting the security to one of the private options.  Tick Box The privacy tick box does have a little more func...

I need to make sure that Activities and other entries in OpenCRM are set to my timezone, how do I do this?

You can change your timezone difference based on GMT within your user settings. This is a user preference and does not affect any other users. To make this change you should follow these steps: 1. Select the My Account  option which can be found ...

How can I check which users have viewed or downloaded a document from the system?

When an OpenCRM user views or downloads a document from the system, their action is recorded in the document audit log.  This log is available from the document detail screen, at the far right of the screen on the same line as the title. Clicking ...

Is there a way to create a Calendar item in OpenCRM from an email?

You are able to create a Calendar item in OpenCRM direct from an email in your Google or Outlook Client. This is done through the use of the Google2OpenCRM add-in.  This relies on setting up synchronisation from your email-aware calendar with Goog...

Can I turn on a second Custom Contact module or Custom Project module to cater for additional 'types' of these entities?

OpenCRM has an additional 'Custom Contacts and Custom Projects' module available as standard. These can be managed from within the SETTINGS options and can be turned on in two ways: Globally To turn either module on for everyone in your organisati...

I'm seeing a warning on my emails about SPF. How do I set-up a Sender Policy Framework (SPF) record for my Domain? My emails from OpenCRM are being rejected by servers / recipients what can I do about this?

When emailing from OpenCRM, you are seeing one of the following warnings: Warning: Your domain is not configured to allow sending from OpenCRM (Sender Policy Framework) Warning: Your domain is not configured to allow sending from OpenCRM (DKIM) Wa...

How do I link Users to Personnel records in OpenCRM

You are able to link a User record to a Personnel record. This will give you an at-a-glance overview of the Pending Activities, Historic Activities and Emails that are linked to that particular User. This information is stored in separate tabs tha...

How can I change the fields visible on the Basic and Advanced Search screens?

You may wish to edit the field selection available on the Basic and  Advanced Search screens. Here is how a Default display looks in the Companies module: Click on the + icon to expand the Basic Search, and click on the Arrow icon to expand Adv...

Tips on setting up SKYPE to work with the OpenCRM on screen dial feature

This document is not meant to be a replacement for SKYPE's own technical support documentation, but should help supplement the SKYPE information to be able to get SKYPE to integrate with the OpenCRM on screen dial feature. This is required so that...

I want Users to only see their own records - does this need individual Groups or Teams?

If you wish Users to only see their own records you do not need to utilise Teams or Groups at all. By setting a User up with NO Team selected, you are effectively setting this User up as if they were in their own individual Team. The data created ...

Can I set my product category before I create a new product so the conditional fields for that category show?

You can get this ability by enabling the intermediary screen for product category selection before product creation.  To do this, go to the additional settings page in your OpenCRM settings. Under the "Product Settings" there is an option to 'Pre-...

How do I get OpenCRM to automatically generate my Product Codes?

To set up the automatic generation of product codes, go to Settings > Additional Settings > Product Settings and tick the option to Automatically generate product codes  and then Save . Next time you create a product, the product code will...

Can I see how big my database is and the attachments stored on the server?

Yes, you are able to view the size of your database and also the size of any folders that contain external attachments. To do this you should hover over your name in the top right and select the Information option, which will load a pop up page....

How do I add a new User to OpenCRM? How do I amend an existing Users details?

There are two ways you can add new users to your system: 1. The first time you login to your system, you will be greeted with the Set up Wizard that will walk you through the process. 2. If you do not want to set up your users in this first stage ...

How do I create a new Folder to add Email and SMS templates?

To add a new Folder you need to be an Admin user: Select  Settings > Studio > Picklist Settings > Edit Templates Picklist On the next screen, select the Edit  option on the Folders row Add the options (one option per line) and hit Save to commi...

How do I set and update my company information?

Company Information The first time an administrator signs into their OpenCRM, they will be guided through setting up those essential bits of their company information. If you need to edit this information at any time, see below for instructions on...

Can I send an email without a PDF from an Invoice, Sales Order, Purchase Order, or Quote?

In order to send an email from an Invoice, Sales Order, Purchase Order, or Quote without including a PDF, the setting first has to be enabled. To turn this on, go to Settings > Additional Settings > Email Settings The control for this is incl...

What is the 'Mini-description' on products?

The mini-description in the products module is a field which is automatically populated, with values from other fields, when you save the product. This is most useful when you have a need to build a concise description of a product, using values t...

How do I stop a User from logging into our system? For example if someone has left a Company? What happens if I delete a user?

To stop a user from logging in, you have two options. You can delete their account or change the user status to Inactive or Locked. If the User in question is currently logged in, both options will log the user out the next time they refresh the p...

How can I set up the Pipeline Graph on the Opportunities module?

About the Pipeline Graph The Pipeline Graph on the Opportunities screen is a very powerful sales tool. It can give you an instant snapshot of your sales pipeline and it also offers a significant amount of customisation that enables you to set the ...

Adding Phone Extensions

If your contact's phone number field looks like you can tick Show Phone number Extensions  in additional settings To enable the extension field below

How can I send an SMS to the linked Contacts on a Project in OpenCRM?

The SMS button appears when you are looking at a single Projects, provided you have authorisation to send SMS from OpenCRM (see this FAQ for setting this up). When you select the SMS button you are taken to the SMS create screen. Any Contacts th...

How do I use the Contract Term field in Margin Calculation?

What is the Contract Term field ? By default the Margin figure in the Product Details grid used in Quotes, Opportunities, Invoices and Sale Orders modules is calculated by multiplying the Quantity value by the Markup added. The Contract Term f...

Setting attachment size limits for Pop2OpenCRM

You have the ability to set a minimum and maximum file size for email attachments coming into OpenCRM. If you commonly work with larger files that are shared internally, this may cause unnecessary usage of disk storage, so you can restrict this. S...

Is there an easy way to send large files to other users when these files are too big to send by email?

Yes, there are many services available on the web, including setting up your own Software Add-ons FTP data storage area that will allow you to upload files and send secure links to these files for your recipients. The alternative's include the use...

How to give full ownership rights of the record to more than one User on Contacts and Companies?

You can give multiple users full ownership rights to any Contact or Company record in two ways: 1. Using the Linked Users Field 2. Using the Users sub-tab Linked Users Field Linked Users field is a multi-select user field and this field works the...

When creating a Quote, Sales Order, Purchase Order or Invoice from an existing record, can I get OpenCRM to return to that original record?

OpenCRM will, by default, return the user to the detail screen of the new entity when a Quote, Sales Order, Purchase Order or Invoice is created.   It is possible to adjust the system to the method of redirecting which will return the user back to...

How do I see when a user is logging in and out, and where from?

As a system Admin user from the user list ( Settings > Users ) you can click the  Login History button, this will show all login attempts of all users, this includes failed attempts for bad passwords and users not existing. This displays the User...

How can I stop my calendar returning to today when I change what is displayed (between Day, 5 Day, Week and Month)?

By default, the Calendar view is set to show you the current day/ week/ month selected. You can change this setting to stay on the date currently displayed. For example if you navigate to Wednesday 5th December then want to see what is scheduled a...

Working with Reports

A Report is a great way of showing important information to you in graphic, detail or summary form. This data can be exported to PDF, Excel or CSV. This article is going to walk you through: 1. Navigating the Reports Module 2. Creating a new Rep...

How Do I setup Email Integration (Pop2OpenCRM) with my Microsoft 365 Account?

OpenCRM can integrate with Microsoft365, importing a copy of all of your Sent and Received Emails and presenting them alongside your client records. Prerequisites: Access to your Office365 Exchange Admin Page. Two Users with Mailboxes named with t...

Troubleshooting the Outlook Add-in

The below are guides to some of the most common issues people have when using or installing the Outlook Add-in What versions of Windows / Office do you support for the OpenCRM Outlook Add-in? The Outlook add-in is supported on any version of Offic...

Using and Customising the Sidebar

Our sidebar is the really the backbone of OpenCRM. It lets you navigate all over the system (and beyond), but still needs to fit your way of working. In this FAQ, we're going to discuss; 1 Using the Sidebar to navigate 2 Setting your preferred the...

Creating Helpdesk Tickets using Pop2OpenCRM

Once Pop2OpenCRM has been configured (please contact our support team to do this), you can have Help Desk Tickets automatically created from Emails sent to specific email addresses.  For example, your might have a client facing support@yourdomain....

Working with Custom Fields

As well as the standard fields in the modules of OpenCRM, you are able to add custom fields, hide other fields and re-arrange the fields to create a display that best suits the needs of you and your organisation. Create a Custom Field Let's create...

Product Grouping, Sub-Tabs and Headers on Sales PDFs

A standard Quote, Sales Order or Invoice PDF is designed to show a Header section, Products grid and Footer section. Within the Products grid you can specify which columns to display (e.g. Product Name, Product Code, Quantity, Total etc.) in order...

Adding my Logo to OpenCRM

The first time an administrator logs into your system, you will be presented with the Set-Up Wizard ( FAQ ). You will be able to easily add a company logo at that time. If you ever need to upload a new logo, you should follow these steps; 1. Go to...

How do automated support ticket escalation, SLA times and notifications in OpenCRM work?

Support ticket escalation allows for escalation and notification of support tickets that are approaching, or outside of an SLA agreed response time. This is a highly configurable part of the system. Severity based SLA adds an extra level of custom...

How do I use Price Books and what are they for?

If you negotiate bespoke prices for your products for individual companies, then Pricebooks may not be what you need as you would need to create a separate price book for every customer. There is another feature of OpenCRM which may help you here,...

How to set up and use Advanced Commissions in OpenCRM

If you are using older, basic Commission Settings, please check the footnote at the bottom of this FAQ. Tick the " Use Advanced / Banded Commission"  checkbox in Additional Settings to enable advanced commission. There are two components available...

Does OpenCRM have an audit log / audit trail / activity log and what options are available with it?

Does OpenCRM have an Audit Log? The answer is yes, OpenCRM has a comprehensive audit log with multiple options. You can access and use the log in a variety of ways (see below for details of how to access these): The "Audit" link found in the top r...

I need to find the User ID - How do I find this ?

To find the User ID system admins can do the following: Go to Settings > User Management > Users Hover over any one of the user names and look at the status bar at the foot of the page - this will look like this; The User ID is the number at the ...

When I send an Email I want the system to update the Last Action field, how can I do this?

Yes, you can select to update the Last Action fields when you send an Email from the system. By default the Last Action field is updated whenever an Activity is completed, however, you can control this at a more granular level, enabling and disa...

How does credit control of Companies, Sales Orders and Invoices work in OpenCRM?

Credit Control in OpenCRM It is possible to implement credit control methods in OpenCRM. The system can be configured to prevent Sales Orders and Invoices being created against Companies who are over their credit limit. Default Settings To enable ...

Can OpenCRM check for duplicates when I create a new record?

To use duplicate checking on Companies, Contacts, Leads and Projects, you will need to first enable the system to check for duplicates and then set up how you would like this check to be performed. Step 1: Enable Duplicate checking needs to be ena...

What is the minimum quantity allowed when adding a product to one of the grids in OpenCRM (Quote, Sales Order, Invoice, Purchase Order) and how can this be changed?

You can set the default product quantity within your system to be whatever value you require, normally this would be set to either 0 [zero] or 1. By setting the Product Quantity on the Product Grids to Zero you will be able to add a line item, and...

How do I set up and use Product Grouping?

What is Product Grouping? This is the section which is visible below the Product Grid on Quotes, Sales Orders, Purchase Orders, and Invoices. If you have product categories and grouping set up, you are able to use Product Grouping to display sub-t...

There are boxes on Quotes, Sales Orders and Invoices that allow me to enter a Description or Terms, can these contain standard text?

Yes, there is a series of fields in the Settings admin console that allow you to enter the text that will appear, by default, on each of these entities. Follow these steps to add your text; go to Settings > Additional Settings > Default Text Se...

Can I carry my custom fields across when converting entities?

When converting from a lead to a Contact, Company or Opportunity, you can carry across custom fields from leads into any of these modules. You can see a more detailed explanation of this feature by clicking here . You can also carry across custom...

Can I copy data that I hold on a Lead onto other entities when I Convert the Lead?

Yes, this is a standard feature within OpenCRM that is available in a number of modules ( please see this FAQ ).  If you go to; Settings > Studio Panel – Custom Field Settings > Lead Custom Fields > You will see an additional button at the top of ...

Whenever I send an email from OpenCRM I receive a Confirmation Email into my Inbox showing what has been sent, is this something that I can control ?

Yes it is. You can either change this globally or on a per-email basis Global In the SETTINGS admin console you can select the Email Settings section, this has an option to deselect the Confirmation emails being sent. When this is un-ticked the sy...

How can I set up my mail server so all my emails are imported into OpenCRM by Pop2OpenCRM automatically?

Guidelines for getting mail into the Pop2OpenCRM Inbox/Outbox Introduction In order to use Pop2OpenCRM you will need two mailboxes creating by your email provider one to receive a copy of the inbound emails you wish to capture in OpenCRM and one t...

Can I show more information, such as records that are due, from other modules and records, such as Quotes, Sales Orders, Leads, Opportunities and Invoices on the Calendar? How can I set which Additional Calendar Grids my Users can turn on?

It is possible to view more than just your Calendar on the Calendar page. You can also include mini-modules that highlight important records that may need your attention. Note that these options are only available on the Calendar single-day, 5 day...

How do I alter or create an SMS template in OpenCRM? Including an automatic SMS template.

SMS templates are treated in the same way as email templates, the only difference being a tick box which defines the template as SMS rather than Email. To access existing SMS templates or create new ones navigate to: "Settings > Email Templates" a...

How do I update a customer by email regarding their HelpDesk ticket?

There are two ways to email from a HelpDesk ticket: 1. Manually From the Detail View of a ticket click the Email button this will load the normal email module with a default Helpdesk email template. You can specify which template to use under Add...

How do I deal with security and user permissions in OpenCRM?

Implementation of Security & User Permissions in OpenCRM The user permissions and security settings in OpenCRM are very powerful and flexible. This FAQ will walk you through some of the options you have with these settings. If you do not see an ov...

What does Pop2OpenCRM do when it converts emails? What configuration options are available? How can I exclude emails from being converted by OpenCRM?

Some guidelines on what Pop2OpenCRM does upon conversion When converting, Pop2OpenCRM looks at all addresses in the To and CC fields, and links to ALL contacts, companies, leads and users that match the email addresses found. Pop2OpenCRM will also...

How do I change the Sender Name on SMS messages that are sent from OpenCRM?

To change the Sender Name you need to follow these steps; Select SETTINGS (top right) In the CONFIGURATION panel select the SMS Configuration Login with your SMS Account settings (these may be different to the OpenCRM user credantials you use else...

Can I track Products at Opportunity level? Enabling the Products Grid on Opportunities

The Product Grid is where you can enter Products and details such as Buy and Sell Price, Mark-up and Discounts, on Quotes, Orders and Invoices: This is not turned on by default on Opportunities, however, you do have the option to switch this on....

Can I use Activity fields as filters on a View I am setting up for Contacts?

You can use a number of Activity fields as filters on a View on the Contacts module. This enables you to create a view such as: "Show me all Contacts linked to an activity of the Type "Call" with the Subject "Initial Call Spring Mailing list" ...

Using the OpenCRM - Zapier Integration. How does the Zapier Integration work? Do you have a Zapier connector? How can I connect my third party system with OpenCRM?

Our Zapier integration is currently in "early access" - this means there is a step you have to do before using the integration:  Follow the below steps (as seen in the GIF below) Go to Apps and search for OpenCRM Select the OpenCRM zap Click to re...

How do I configure the Map feature in OpenCRM using Geonames?

Introduction The mapping feature allows you to view Lead, Contacts and Companies locations on a map by selecting them in List View and clicking Show Map. When configured this will load up a map screen displaying all the locations of the records se...

Custom PDF troubleshooting. Dealing with some of the more common questions about Custom PDF templates.

A custom PDF templates is a great way of creating your personalised sales documents. As with other templates in OpenCRM (for example Email or RTF) you can create as many different templates as your organisation will need. Different categories of c...

How can I calculate shipping / courier costs in OpenCRM?

To set up your Shipping/Courier options, you will need to go to Settings > Configuration > Configure Shipping Options This interface will allow you to add the names of the couriers you wish to use, create pricing tables by region and weight f...

How do the Next Action fields work? What about the Last Action field? When is it updated? How can I configure which action types update this field? How can I manually update all last action values?

This article covers two different fields: Next Action and Last Action: Next Action fields help track the next pending activity on a Lead, Contact, Company, Opportunity, Project or Helpdesk ticket. Last Action field is a system field on Contacts, C...

How do I add product rows to a Sales Order, Quote, Invoice or Purchase Order Rich Text Document (RTF)?

It is possible to do this, but it should only be undertaken by someone with HTML and CSS knowledge. First, you will want to build the document template as normal. Then you have an option about how you wish to add your products to your document. Pr...

What merge variables (tags) do I need to use in automated Helpdesk emails?

As with the various other modules in OpenCRM, you can send emails from the Helpdesk module and use merge variables (tags) to include information from the Helpdesk Ticket in your email. Standard merge variables relating to the Helpdesk module look ...

How do I get the Opportunity Probability to automatically update when I change the Opportunity Stage, and how do I customise the percent Values ?

To change the Probability % Values to change when you select a Sales Stage you need to follow these steps; Go to SETTINGS (Top Right, just hover over your name) Select to expand the PICKLIST SETTINGS option (located in the STUDIO block) Select the...

How do I use multi-currency / currency fields in PDF Templates?

There are a number of options available which help when using currency / multicurrency fields in PDF templates.  Currency Symbol tag: $currency_symbol Including this tag within your PDF template will merge the currency symbol relevant to the curre...

What is activity scoring, and how do I use it?

Activity scoring is a simple way of adding a weighting to the importance of activities and, if desired, having these weightings aggregated on contact, companies and leads in order to gauge how much interaction has occurred between those and yourse...

How do I set up conditions for use with custom fields? How can I add conditions to standard fields?

There may be occasions when you need to display a field or make a field mandatory only when specified conditions on another field are met. In this FAQ we will give you a quick outline of the step you need to take, followed by a real world example....

How can I make Opportunities visible to linked Contact record owners as well as linked Company assigned to Users?

By default Opportunities in the system are visible based upon your security configuration. You do, however, have the ability to make Opportunities visible to the users whose Contacts and/or Companies are related to it. This is so that if a Company...

How to use the Outlook Add-in with OpenCRM. How to sync Contacts, Calender entries and Emails between Outlook and OpenCRM using the Outlook Add-in.

The Outlook Add-in for OpenCRM is a quick and easy way to select Outlook items you wish to bring into OpenCRM. Emails, contacts and calendar items can be synced between Outlook and OpenCRM. Getting Started To begin with, you need to have the Outlo...

Sort, dedupe & merge import data

If you have a multi-select picklist in OpenCRM that you want to populate with a data import, you will need to have only ONE row per individual or OpenCRM record. Often, people will have this data held in a way that requires the concatenation of mu...

Using Screen Design and Default Organisation Field access to change field order and hide fields

You have two options when deciding which fields you want to see in OpenCRM: Customising the Field Access or Layouts. The second will also allow you to move fields around the screen. You can read more about using Layouts in this FAQ . This FAQ dea...

How do I set up a recurring Activity? How do I add multiple users to a recurring Activity?

To set up a recurring activity in OpenCRM, simply click the two arrows to the right of the activity date on the edit screen. You are then presented with a screen which should be familiar to anyone who has set up recurring activities in other softw...

How can I add and control sub-totals and headers to Quote, Sales Order and Invoice PDFs?

See also : How do I setup and use product groups / grouping on quotes? Once you have setup your Quote, Sales Order or Invoice with product grouping, and subtotals as described in the FAQ linked above, it is possible to adjust the output of the PD...

How can I control the style of the product rows and sub total rows using the PDF templates? How can I control the style of the linked record rows in PDF templates? Styling the Activity Grid on a Project PDF. Styling the Invoice Grid on a Company PDF.

Important : You should have some basic HTML and CSS knowledge before attempting anything in the below article. It is possible to add styles to the product and sub total rows produced when using your own customised PDF templates by inserting some s...

Can I use my own mailserver with OpenCRM? What support is available with regards to email delivery and logging of this?

Although it is technically possible to send email from OpenCRM through your own mailservers, this is not recommended and, if configured, will not be supported by our support team. The follow will outline what is and is not supported if you choose ...

Phone integration with OpenCRM - Click to Dial and Inbound Calls

This article is going to explore the following areas of your OpenCRM Click to Dial features: What is Click to Dial Which application are you using? Getting OpenCRM configured Using Click to Dial Inbound Calls What is Click to Dial? OpenCRM's Click...

How to set a relationship between a Company and a Contact

Using the Contact -> Company relationship fields you can set a contacts relationship with a company On a Company record select the Contacts subtab to list the Contacts linked to that Company  Click the Edit Link next to the Contact record for wh...

"Sync To Outlook" - what does this field do?

This tickbox field on the Contacts module works in conjunction with the sync options available with our integration with Microsoft 365 , Googlesync, and the Outlook Add-In Outlook Add-In If a record does not have the "Sync to Outlook" box tick...

Things to consider when importing data into OpenCRM. Troubleshooting imports that are not working.

There are a number of ways in which a data import can be unsuccessful. Here are some typical scenarios you may encounter and how you can resolve the problems. Fields are incorrectly mapped and cause a conflict  If this is the case, the whole impor...

How do I convert a Lead to an Opportunity (Sales Pipeline)?

When using Leads in OpenCRM there is a stage during the sales process (the triggers for this will vary), when it is necessary to promote a lead within the system as it moves from this level to a different stage in your sales pipeline. This is the ...

How do I use the ODT or DOCX Mail Merge options to create document templates in OpenCRM?

Within OpenCRM we have a feature that allows you to use RTF / ODT / DOCX documents (from Word or Open Office) as merge templates. Within OpenCRM traditionally users have had the option to create templates and merge with these templates, using the ...

Updating a linked Opportunity Sales Stage when a Sales Order is Approved / Signed

When a Sales Order is marked as signed or approved it is possible to automatically have a linked Opportunity marked as Closed and Won. From Settings (top right) > Additional Settings > Sales Order - Opportunity Settings block -  tick the Update L...

How do Targets work in OpenCRM? How can I set up them up for the Users in my Organisation?

Targets can be set up within OpenCRM, they can be set to run on Opportunities, Quotes, Sales Orders  or  Invoices modules. The Target is an indicator of the percentage of business targets met for a particular period. When they are set up they sh...

What are Action Plans in OpenCRM?

Action Plans are a great way of automating tasks. Many of the tasks that you will perform within OpenCRM will involve creating activities and linking them to the item that you are creating, whether that is a new Project, a new Company or even a ne...

How do I Install the Outlook Add-In?

Please note the Outlook Add-In is not compatible with Mac, nor with 64-bit versions of Office/Outlook. DOWNLOAD LINK Please download the Outlook Add-In by clicking on the above link. EXISTING USERS - (UNINSTALL FIRST ) To install this new version ...

Transferring HTML email templates with images, into OpenCRM

If you have had your email templates created for you by a marketing team or if you have built them in an external app, you will be able to add these into an OpenCRM email or email template.  Important: You will need to be able to copy the HTML/CS...

What are Custom Views and how can I set these up?

Custom views are a way of filtering data on the Home pages of all the entities. These are useful in two ways: 1. They allow you to add alternative columns in a view     e.g. instead of displaying Company Name, City & Phone etc. you might want to d...

OpenCRM Campaign Master Integration

The integration of OpenCRM and Campaign Master enables you to build campaign lists in OpenCRM, using Campaign Master to actually send the campaigns and record the subsequent interactions (mails sent, received, rejected, opened, clicked through). A...

How can I import Invoices / Sales Orders / Quotes/Purchase Orders[beta]?

How do I import Invoices, Sales Orders or Quotes? Before you start: The below FAQ is quite lengthy, we know, but it is vital that you read each section and follow the guidance exactly.  Before you start importing your Invoices, Sales Orders, Quote...

How do I stop OpenCRM users from being able to delete records? Can I change other permissions for groups of my users, such as Create/Edit, Allow, View etc.. ?

Permissions such as these are managed through the Profile Go to Settings  > Profiles > Select the Profile name (or select the Edit option) > Select Edit Profile > you can select/deselect the options that you feel are appropriate for this profi...

Can I import directly to the Product grids on a Sales Order, Quote, Invoice, or Opportunity instead of selecting them all individually?

This is possible using a CSV file. This is a basic FAQ to cover the process, but there is some additional functionality that is covered in this FAQ . Enable In order to use this feature, a system administrator must enable it for use.   This can b...

How can I create an email signature in OpenCRM?

You have two options: 1. Create a default signature that can be used by any number of Users 2. Create user-specific signatures 1. Create a default signature that can be used by any number of Users This is done by using merge variables to populate ...

I accidentally deleted something. How do I recover deleted items? Is there a Recycle bin?

If you have access to the Settings page, you can recover deleted files using the Recycle Bin feature. To use this feature, go to Settings  and scroll down to the Utilities section and Click on 'Recycle Bin'. You are then presented with a list of ...

How do I create a Main Contact on a Company record? How can I copy details from a Main Contact record to the related Company record?

In OpenCRM you are able to select a Main Contact for each Company. As well as selecting the Main Contact you have the option to copy some of this Contact's details on to the Company record. Copying Contact details onto a Company record entails kno...

How can I add standard or custom product fields, images or additional columns onto the product grids on PDFs?

Adding Standard or Custom fields to a Product Grid It is possible to add additional fields or standard product fields to the grids on Opportunity / Quote / Sales Order / Invoice / Purchase Order PDFs 1. Add the field you wish to display as a cust...

How does the JotForm integration work? (Overview)

      Built into OpenCRM is integration with JotForm ( ). Setting up the integration between JotForm and OpenCRM Creating the Form in JotForm Mapping your form fields to OpenCRM fields Updating existing OpenCRM records via JotF...

What are Tags and how do I use them?

Tags provide a really useful way of categorising information within a system.  For example, if you wanted to find ALL information relating to a specific Project or Contact etc., you could tag those record entries with specific words and/ or phras...

How can I create custom Calculated / Calculation / Formula Fields?

You may have a need to add custom fields which perform a calculation on your behalf. This is easily done by navigating to Settings->Studio->Custom Field Settings and choosing the relevant module. Calculation General You will then be able to add a ...

How do User Assignment rules work?

This feature allows a record to be assigned to a user based on a set of rules. This can be used to assign records to managers of different territories, based on postcode or geographical location for example. This works by defining a rule set, addi...

How can I use eSign to digitally sign Quotes or Sales Orders? Can people include their signature? How does the eSign facility on the Customer Portal work? How secure is eSign in OpenCRM is it Legal?

Important To use the eSign functionality, you will need to make sure your Customer Portal has been enabled. eSign is a digital signature that can be used in place of a handwritten signature. This is a secure, time-saving and paperless method of si...

How do I create a HTML Document Templates? Can I merge Contact or Company fields to a Document?

In order to create an HTML Document Template, navigate to Settings and select HTML Document Templates under the Communication Templates block. 1. Select New Template. 2. Select the folder you would like this template stored in, followed by the Tem...

How does the Mapping tool work in OpenCRM? I want to see the locations of my Leads, Companies and Contacts on a Map, how do I do this?

You've actually got two options when it comes to mapping your Leads, Contacts, and Companies in OpenCRM:  Click on postcode Show Map / Change Co-ordinates Buttons Option 1: Clicking on the postcode (Google Maps / Earth) When you navigate to the Co...

How do I update records in bulk via a data import? How can I export data?

Prerequisites In order to perform an upgrade import, you must be able to satisfy one of the following two criteria in your data... (A) The data you are importing contains a column which contains the OpenCRM record ID (this is easily achieved by st...

How can I add Warnings to records in OpenCRM?

You may wish to add a Warning to a record in OpenCRM. This may be used to draw particular attention to a record when it is visited. You can do this either manually or you can automate Warnings using Workflow. Adding Warnings Manually To set up a W...

How do I import data into the various modules in OpenCRM?

To import data into OpenCRM you will need to have the import data in a compatible format. This is easy to do using a spreadsheet program, such as Microsoft Excel or OpenOffice, normally saving the file format as a CSV file. This is a common file t...

How do I configure the sync of Contacts and Calendar between OpenCRM and my Google account (Google sync)? Do you support Google Tasks?

Our Google2OpenCRM keeps your Google and OpenCRM Contacts, Calendar, and Task lists in sync. Read more about how this works and what data is being used on our main Google Integrations Privacy Policy . But if you're ready to start setting up, you'...

How can I add and manage links in my OpenCRM system on the sidebar?

Links to other pages can be seen in the Sidebar tool of your OpenCRM system: Only Administrators can add/remove links 1) Go to "Settings" 2) Under "User Management" click "Profiles" 3) Click any of the Profile Names (it doesn't matter which at t...

Can I hide any of the fields on the product grids on quotes, sales orders or invoices? Can I turn off the "Total Margin" field on quotes, sales orders or invoices?

The columns"Buy Price", "Markup", "Discount", "Margin" and "Product Description" can be hidden from quotes, sales orders or invoices by setting them to hidden in the additional settings of OpenCRM. To hide them on Invoices, go to the "Invoices Set...

How can I continue to be able to access records I want to assign to a different user?

If your permissions model means you can only access records which are assigned to you, then you can view records which you have reassigned to another User by adding yourself to the relevant record via the Users tab. You need to do this before reas...

How do I manually adjust the next Invoice number - or - any other automatic sequential number in OpenCRM?

OpenCRM has a number of automatic sequential number fields which assign a unique number to each record of that type alongside the overall unique reference which is assigned to every single record in OpenCRM (the CRMID). The most commonly used auto...

How can I set up auto creation of Invoices or Sales Orders from recurring Sales Orders?

OpenCRM has the ability to auto generate and email invoices or sales orders based on a recurring pattern. This is done by setting up a recurring Sales Order - setting the recurring period to reflect when the invoices or sales orders should be crea...

What are Profiles, and how can I use them?

Profiles - an Overview With OpenCRM, you are able to set up a sophisticated permissions structure for your users. These include: Restricting access to various parts of the system for some users but not others Setting up a particular access model a...

How do I enable Product Grid Line Numbering? How can I re-order product rows? How do I delete the first product row?

What is OpenCRM Product Grid Line Numbering? Product Grids can be found on Opportunities, Quotes, Sales Orders, Purchase Orders and Invoices.  These grids are used to add one or more Products to a record, with relevant information such as a Produc...

How to automatically link an exported PDF to its parent record

By default, OpenCRM does not automatically save and attach PDFs that are generated. However, you can enable this by going to Settings > Additional Settings > PDF Settings where you should find an option titled 'Attach Exported PDFs to the pa...

Do you have an overview of using the Assets module in OpenCRM?

Assets - an Introduction You can use OpenCRM to track all manner of Assets that your organisation needs to manage. This could include equipment which has been entrusted to members of staff or pieces of kit that are on lease to clients. Assets can ...

How do I set up my financial year and accounting periods? Can I use a 4-4-5 accounting period or variant?

To configure the parameters of your Financial Year, head to Settings > Configuration > Set Up Financial Year : The dates on your financial year and periods drive a number of areas in the system such as targets, bonuses, and commission, and all...

How to I change the layout of my fields using Layouts

For Leads, Contacts, Companies, Documents, Activities, Opportunities, Sales Orders and Contracts, it is possible to change the block and field layout, adding your own blocks and customizing the number of columns used for fields. This FAQ is going ...

How can I change the orientation of PDF templates from Portrait to Landscape?

The orientation of a PDF template can be changed by selecting either Portrait or Landscape in the Orientation field on the PDF template Edit view screen.  Step 1:  This feature needs to be first enabled in  Additional Settings  under  PDF Se...

Can I automatically update the Company type value based on an Opportunity status? For example - set the company type to customer when an opportunity is won?

An example of using this would be if you wanted to automatically set the Type of a Company to "Customer" when an Opportunity becomes "Closed Won". There are two parts to the configuration of this feature, both are accessible by going to Settings->...

What options are available for syncing Emails, Contacts and Calendar items between OpenCRM and other applications?

There are three separate products which are available, as part of your OpenCRM subscription, to allow users to sync Emails, Contacts, Calendar items, and Tasks between OpenCRM and other applications such as Gmail and Outlook. Each product works in...

Advanced PDF Features to enable conditional data output

We recommend that you have some working knowledge of HTML and/or CSS before attempting this. If you do not, please get in touch with our support team who will be able to help. Accessing the HTML of PDF templates Just as with email templates, PDF t...

Emailing a primary, secondary or assistant email address from a Contact

If a Contact has a value in the secondary (private) email and/ or the Assistant Email field then you have the ability to email any one or any combination of these email addresses. As well as "business" and "private" email fields, there is a field ...

What are Email Plans in OpenCRM? (Overview)

  This FAQ explores the various options for creating and sending emails on a pre-defined schedule. Known as Email Plans in OpenCRM-speak. This FAQ will cover:  Email Plans - an Overview Adding a PDF to your Email Plan Using Email Plans for Events ...

Can I customise PDFs which are produced in OpenCRM?

OpenCRM allows administrators to customise PDF templates and set up multiple custom PDF templates for certain parts of the system.  These templates can be set up for quotes, sales orders, purchase orders, invoices, helpdesk and project PDFs as wel...

Can I keep the Product selector window open, so I can add more than one Product at a time?

Typically when you select a Product to add to a Quote, Order or Invoice clicking on the Product will add this to the sales document and close the Product window. There is an option available to prevent this window from closing automatically and th...

How do I authorise a user and their email address to be able to send an SMS message?

As an extra level of security, users and email addresses that SMS messages originate from need to be authorised. This is a simple process, there are 2 steps . Firstly make sure the user has been allowed to send SMS messages within their OpenCRM u...

How can I manage prices, VAT rates and multiple currencies in OpenCRM? How do I change the exchange rates for the different currencies? How can I set up multi-currency on my system?

An Overview The aim of this set up is to enable you to raise quotes, sales orders and invoices for customers in different countries, and for OpenCRM to set the relevant currency, language and VAT rate on the sales document. This FAQ gives you an o...

How can I select the email address to send a sales PDF for a Quote, Sales Order, Purchase Order or Invoice to a contact with multiple email addresses?

If you have contacts with multiple email addresses, you have the option to select which address to use when sending a PDF for a Quote, Sales Order, Purchase Order or Invoice via email. This feature is enabled in Additional Settings > Email Settin...

Can I store encrypted data in my system? Using the password or encrypted custom field types.

We have two custom fields types available - Password fields and Encrypted fields. Both options enable you to store data in encrypted form. These fields store their values using reversible encryption so the values are stored in an encrypted state i...

How do I report on the Audit Log?

The first step is to Activate Audit Logging to capture the information you want to report on.  If this is not already activated on your system, you can do this by going to Settings > Additional Settings > Audit Log Settings and enable the followin...

How to use the Xero integration with OpenCRM (Overview)

Important : Please Read There are a number of elements that you need to configure, all of these come with some level of caution and you should not attempt these without your Accountant or a Company Director taking responsibility for any decisions ...

How does the Member Of field work on Companies? How do I use Parent and Child Relationships for Billing and Contract purposes?

This FAQ will cover the following areas: How to establish a link between a Parent and a Child Company Using Org View to visualise relationships between Companies and Contacts How to link the Parent Company address details to Child Companies and Co...

How can I get started with the Helpdesk in OpenCRM?

Helpdesk - an Overview Using the Helpdesk module you can record Support tickets in OpenCRM. These may come in via email, telephone or via your customer portal. Once tickets are logged in OpenCRM, you can do any of the following: Record your respon...

How does HelpDesk billing work, and how do I configure this on my OpenCRM system?

Within OpenCRM there are various ways of raising chargeable Helpdesk tickets: 1. Ad-hoc - raising an invoice against each ticket created 2. Pre-Paid Contract - a customer has bought a "block" of support time 3. Standard Contract. Each method uses ...

HelpDesk Quick Start Guide

Different types of ticket / contract There are 3 different type of Helpdesk ticket/contract. Ad Hoc Tickets All chargeable time accrued against the ticket will be billed. To set up a ticket of this nature. Link your contact and company and then th...

How can I create a graph on a report? How can I have a report graph appear on my Homepage? I would like to create a Report with Graph totals broken down by Year/Month, how do I do this?

Report Graphing In order to display a graph on a report you need to ensure: 1. You set the Report Type to Summary Report and not  Tabular Report .  2. You specify at least one option under 'Specify Grouping'. This is to set the X (horizontal) ax...

How can I make sure my images remain clear and not blurry in my PDF Templates?

To make sure that all the images in your PDF Templates display (and print) clearly it is best to save the file using the below settings: DPI (Dots per Inch):     300dpi Image Format:              .jpeg or .png Colour Format:              RGB *When...

How Do I Prevent a User (Or Group Of Users) Deleting Records?

The ways in which your users can interact with records in OpenCRM are controlled through their Profiles.  Profiles are linked to individual users via their Roles.  So the first thing we need to do is to create a Profile which does not let its asso...

Do you have a detailed explanation of the functions of the Sage Uploader?

An outline of the Sage Uploader setting options: Sales Ledger  – Syncs the list of Sage companies in the Sales ledger to OpenCRM. This does not create the companies in OpenCRM, it just makes them appear in the search when linking up the OpenCRM co...

How can I make a payment on an Invoice?

You can record payments against an Invoice easily within OpenCRM. 1. To make a payment, open your Invoice and click the Payment button at the top of the screen 2. This will open a pop-up where you can include a subject, the date, and a brief descr...

How can I add Product specific files or attachments to Quotes and Sales Orders? How can I use Product Data Sheets on Quotes and Sales Orders?

In OpenCRM it is possible to store files relating to specific Products and to have these included with Quotes or Sales Orders, as an attachment to the email sent. As an example, you may have a "Product Information" brochure you wish to send with Q...

Configuring Helpdesk to work with multiple Support email addresses.

Our Helpdesk is designed with the ability to use multiple support email addresses and to set SLA response times based on these values. As an example, you may offer basicsupport @... with an SLA time of 8 hours, support @... with an SLA time of 4...

Can I add cover pages / supplementary pages to PDFs?

It is possible to set cover / supplementary pages to PDF templates.  These can be set for both the front and the back page of the PDF, but neither is required.   The decision to include a supplementary page to a PDF has to be made when you are cre...

How do I use the Data Retention tools in OpenCRM? (GDPR)

1. Go to Settings > Workflow > Data Retention Rules . 2. Once there, you'll see a screen that shows you a list of your rules, whether or not they're Active (i.e. actively running against your live data), and some actions. We'll take you throu...

How can I set up Workflow?

What is Workflow? What can I do with it? A Workflow is a pre-defined series of actions that are triggered by a specific condition. They can include the creation of Activities or other records, the addition or removal of a Warning, and updating lin...

What is the Customer Portal, how do I install it and how does it work? How do I give a Contact or Lead access to the online Portal?

  What is the Customer Portal? The customer portal allows customers access to information regarding their details on your system. They will be able to login and view their Contact details, as well as any linked Documents, HelpDesk Tickets, Sales O...

How do I set-up my ClicData Integration?

ClicData Integration There are two parts to setting up your ClicData integration. The first part is to set up the connection between ClicData and your OpenCRM system. The second part of the integration is to add specific data connections that will...

How do I build a Marketing Email Template in OpenCRM?

This FAQ has been broken down into two parts: Basic This section will guide you through the main steps to building an email template in OpenCRM. You should refer to the email template called 'Basic Email Template Eg' which can be found in your sys...

Is there a useful document which is a guide for admin users of OpenCRM?

Yes. And you can download it by clicking below:

I am new to OpenCRM is what should I do first?

There are a number of resources that you can use to help get underway with your OpenCRM journey, however, as a first pass there are three documents that are worth taking a look at, these are listed below. New System Tips will walk you through the ...

Controlling the length of fields in List Views

You can alter the length of any or all fields displayed in list views to a specified number of characters. First, you need to think about what type of fields would you like to alter. If it all fields on OpenCRM or just one field across OpenCRM, or...

Change fields displayed in Recent Items, Global Search and Sub-Tabs

We now offer the ability to change the fields shown in the Recent Items, Global Search and Sub-Tab lists. This can only be done by the development team at OpenCRM and is a chargeable piece of work. Please contact your account manager for more deta...

Can I automatically apply a discount to my Quotes and Sales Orders depending on the order value?

This feature enables you to apply an automatic discount to quotes and sales orders based on the order value. You are able to specify multiple discount bands to offer different discount percentages depending on the order value. To enable this featu...

Email Merge Variables

Email merge variables are the tags you can see in the default email templates in your system. For example: Dear $contacts_firstname$leads_firstname - this shows two merge variables " $contacts_firstname " and " $leads_firstname ". What they do i...

POP2OpenCRM and Microsoft365 Security and Connectivity

OpenCRM offers a free service called POP2OpenCRM, which automatically syncs your Microsoft M365 Emails invisibly to OpenCRM.  You can find our set-up guide here . This article is intended to go into this integration option in a bit more depth and...

Stock Reports and Stock Tracking

Stock Tracking / Audit Log Basic stock tracking is possible in OpenCRM. Whenever stock movement occurs through the various stock movement processes in OpenCRM (despatch, invoicing, manually adding/removing stock), this is recorded in an audit log...

What is DKIM?

What is DKIM DKIM stands for DomainKeys Identified Mail and is used for the authentication of an email that’s being sent. It is a stronger version of SPF which requires a little additional setup.  OpenCRM needs to be able to prove that it is allow...

What is DMARC?

What is DMARC DMARC is an important Email Anti-Spam feature.  It tells Spam Filters how to react if an Email fails your SPF and DKIM requirements.  This in turn makes it much more likely that your authentic emails will land in an Inbox and Spam wi...